Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct
Lindsay Nuon Vinita Chinoy Karen Ottoni Brian Behlendorf (Deactivated) Daniela Barbosa David Boswell Anand Banik Grace Hartley (Deactivated) Alissa Worley
Agenda + Notes
I. Inclusive Naming List
From last week's next steps
- Blog Post https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/01/26/removing-barriers-to-contribution-with-inclusive-language
Inclusive Naming Initiative discussion on our list: https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/dci-wg/message/252?p=,,,20,0,0,0::Created,,inclusive,20,2,0,78367835
- >>Besu has implemented some changes already - Grace will share on mailing list their documentation of changes - to share
- >>After blog post bring back to the TSC for review–share the blog to the list and talk about how to include the naming list on projects.
- >>Peter to share link to mailing list when code is deployed.
- >>Review as a group the inclusive naming list in next meeting https://github.com/petermetz/dci-lint
- Accenture share on the blog post:
- Vinita writing internal blog on inclusive language
II. Review Recommendations to TSC and lay out next steps
For reference, here is the culmination of the WG's discussion from last year, we put together a number of TSC and Governing Board Motions, some of which have been and are being implemented, others which are included in the table below as part of our goals for 2021. Please review them here: Turning Recommendations into Proposed Motions for the GB and TSC
Proposed Motions for the TSC
- Recommendation 1: Incorporate DCI agenda directly into TSC Meetings
- Proposed ask #1: Can the Technical Steering Committee create space in their meeting agendas for at least one diversity and inclusion focused discussion each month?
- Example: Agenda topics could include: Adopting inclusive terminology in coding standards, broadening the community translation effort that is currently focused on Fabric documentation, including diversity metrics in a Community Health dashboard proposal, etc.
- Next Steps:
- We can show up as collaborators and agenda items whenever we like, let's start with inclusive naming.
- Goal: engagement, buy-in, advisory,
- How to get ownership/buy-in from TSC members and audience: have clear actionable asks,
- Recognition: ie for Peter taking initiative on the lint code
- Next Steps:
- Recommendation 2: Adopt inclusive terminology in coding standards
- Proposed ask #2: Can the Technical Steering Committee set guidelines for projects to follow around using inclusive language in both code and documentation and set expectations for when those changes should be made? The DCIWG recommends...
- Example: Replace the terms "blacklist", "whitelist", "master" and "slave" in current and stable development branches of Hyperledger repositories.
- Next Steps:
- First, Review the naming list https://inclusivenaming.org/
- Second, establish clear guidance on how projects can easily incorporate dci-lint – connect with Ry and Peter to lay this out and how specific the instructions need to be Grace Hartley (Deactivated) Ry Jones Peter Somogyvari
- Third, Share blog, Besu documentation of changes, and recognition of Peter on upcoming TSC call with suggested plan for how projects can incorporate dci-lint
- Next Steps:
- Recommendation 3: Maintainer responsibilities (Maintainers should be familiar with community development best practices & Maintainers should take an active role in developing their community including a pipeline of new maintainers.)
- Proposed ask #3: Can the Technical Steering Committee develop an onboarding guide for project maintainers that documents the expectations in terms of knowledge of community building best practices?
- Example: An onboarding guide could include guidance about completing the Linux Foundation's Inclusive Speaker Orientation, information about how to work in an open source community and how to act as a mentor to new community members who want to contribute to their project.
- Next Steps:
- For reference https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/governance/policies/module-ownership/ ; https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/inclusive-open-source-community-orientation-lfc102/
- Ask maintainers/TSC on what would be valuable to include in a "Community Development Best Practices Guide" - engage
- But also, have firm guidance on what should be done, for example a motion that establishes a baseline, easy not onerous
- Who are non-formal community leaders?
- Seek out more maintainer community. https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/maintainers Reach out more generally but also identify influencers.
- Identify ~5 people in maintainer community for their input and what would work for a guide in their community.
- Lindsay Nuonto connect with David Boswell to identify influencers and get input on what a community guide could include
- >>Get a clear definition on DCI
- Next Steps:
- Proposed Ask #4 Collaborate with DCI on the development and implementation of a new Badging criteria
- Overview: Currently Projects experience challenges meeting the DCI criteria. This motion is meant to formalize our intent to work w/ the TSC to develop a solution.
- References: Project Badging Proposal, Project maturity metrics / Badging
- Finalize TSC Recommendations
- 2021 Planning