2021-10-11 Peer Programming Call
2021-10-11 Peer Programming Call
- Discuss participating in Hacktoberfest 2021
- Plan development of full Scope 1/2/3 emissions calculator, potential applications, and ecosystem
- Review with Pritam Singh -
- Deployment of Vault
- Update documentation
Our plans for upcoming development:
- Extend the emissions calculator to cover full Scope 1/2/3 emissions
- Build an openly available emissions factors data set on OrbitDB. It will initially be seeded with the US EPA, EU EIA, and UK emissions factors, then expanded over time.
- Develop an ecosystem around it of commercial service providers, open source developers, and companies
- Initially we'll work on
- Cloud computing emissions calculator based on the one from ThoughtWorks
- Mobile app for calculating travel emissions
These changes are now on github as issues with the label scope-3-emissions
Please leave your feedback as comments.
- Monday at 09 AM Pacific
- Add Climate Action and Accounting SIG calls to your calendar
Dial-In Information: [ZOOM]
You can join either from your computer or from your phone:
- From computer: https://zoom.us/j/6223336701?pwd=dkJKdHRlc3dNZEdKR1JYdW40R2pDUT09
- From phone: +1(855)880-1246 (toll free US number) or view International numbers
Meeting ID: 622 333 6701
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