2021-06-07 Peer Programming Call
2021-06-07 Peer Programming Call
- Introduction by Bertrand from the Implement Client Side Security for Climate SIG Fabric Application Mentorship
- Introduction by Pritam from the Blockchain Integration for Climate Emissions Data with Fabric and Cactus Mentorship
- Discuss the proposed Supply Chain Decarbonization
- Compared it to the AllBirds product lifecycle emissions calculator
- Where would data come from?
- GHG Protocol Emissions Calculator
- EPA Emisisons Factors
- Searates distance and time calculator for transport or similar
- Ecoinvent database or similar
- What are the use cases? Added to the Supply Chain Decarbonization page
- Continued discussion of plastics recycling with Stan from RecycleGo about the Verra Plastic Credits which is a measure of recycling, not of emissions
- Review of new carbon emissions calculators from GHG Protocol, AllBirds, and ThoughtWorks for integration into the Fabric emissions data channels.
- Robin Klemensbrought up a good point: Instead of having all the calculations on Fabric and in the chain code, we could use Hyperledger Avalon or a trusted computing/oracle framework to store the results of computation which could happen offchain. This would also enable a group of offchain calculators, open source and proprietary, to contribute their results for collective review.
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- Monday, June 7, 2021 at 09 AM Pacific
- Add Climate Action and Accounting SIG calls to your calendar
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