2021-05-24 Peer Programming Call
2021-05-24 Peer Programming Call
Discuss IBM's Call for Code, specifically the Green Consumption Challenge and Clean Water Challenge, both of which relate to climate. I believe our current work involving data and tokens could be part of a solution for using recycled materials, circular economies, or clean water using renewable energy.
- Discuss the new open source Cloud Carbon Footprint calculator from ThoughtWorks. You can check it out from their github repository.
- Tom McGrath discussed biochar as a solution for all 3: improving soil quality, water quality, and reusing waste. Organic waste is 70%+ of volume in some countries and 40%+ of landfill volume in the US, so reusing it would have significant benefits.
- Kamlesh discussed the Plastic Bank and their model of paying for collection of recycled plastic bottles and then sending them to corporate users committed to using recycled material in their supply chain.
- We will research these use cases further to see if we could develop a solution.
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- Monday, May 24, 2021 at 09 AM Pacific
- Add Climate Action and Accounting SIG calls to your calendar
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