2022-11-07 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
2022-11-07 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
- Logos!
- Transition to Hyperledger
- RevReg Objects between AnonCreds and AnonCreds Methods
- Iterations on AnonCreds in W3C VC Standard format
- Open Issues and PRs
- Open Discussion
Recording of Call: dummyfile.txt
This specification creating group operates under the Linux Foundation Community Specification License v1.0.
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Welcome and Introductions
Stephen Curran (BC Gov / Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) <swcurran@cloudcompass.ca>
Timo Glastra (Animo Solutions) <timo@animo.id>
Lance Byrd (RootsID) <lance.byrd@rootsid.com>
Related Repositories:
- AnonCreds Specification: https://hyperledger.github.io/anoncreds-spec/
- AnonCreds Methods Registry: https://hyperledger.github.io/anoncreds-methods-registry
- AnonCreds Rust Open Source Code: https://github.com/hyperledger/anoncreds-rs
Meeting Preliminaries:
- Welcome and Introductions
- Announcements:
- IIW -- Nov 15-17, Mountain View, Calif.
- Suggestions for what to do at IIW
- Ledger-agnostic AnonCreds
- AnonCreds in W3C Format
- Sam:
- Governance, Aries for other than AnonCreds
- Suggestions for what to do at IIW
- IIW -- Nov 15-17, Mountain View, Calif.
- Updates the Agenda
- Logos – selecting the Hyperledger AnonCreds project logo. Link to survey.
- Finalize - Concept 1, colors TBD (likely Greens 7 votes vs. 4 for each of Blues and Red/Grey)
- Sent to Hyperledger and the designer
- Transition into Hyperledger AnonCreds
- Tasks in moving this group into Hyperledger
- Move the repos from AnonCreds-WG organizations into HL, get new URL https://hyperledger.github.io/anoncreds-spec/
- Create new replacement repos in existing organization and publish a redirector to the new location - https://anoncreds-wg.github.io/anoncreds-spec/
- PR to update the references to the home of the specifications as being in Hyperledger and update the Community License V1.0 documents.
- Summary of PR for the specification
- To Do - Method Registry – need PRs approved
- Create a Meetings page off the Hyperledger AnonCreds home page
- Move all meeting agendas to the new Meetings page
- All the other work in establishing the Hyperledger AnonCreds project: Checklist
- RevReg Object updates -- enabling AnonCreds Methods to support both deltas and "full state" RevReg storage Timo Glastra
- Discussion starts at 18:49 of the recording.
- Initial proposed revocation list data model: https://hackmd.io/@animo/Sys3SqUri
- In short – in creating the presentation, the invoking process must pass an object with this structure, plus (at least) the tails file:
{ "revocation_list": [0,1,0,1....], "current_accumulator": "xxx", "timestamp": "xxx" }
- That will enable the AnonCreds presentation generator to produce the Proof of Non Revocation.
- The invoker must get from the AnonCreds Method the data in that format, regardless of how the data is stored on ledger.
- Next step is to put this into the specification as part of the presentation section – assigned to Stephen Curran to write (he should get on it...Soon!!)
- Creating/sharing AnonCreds verifiable credential and presentation objects in W3C VC Data Model format
- Repository with code: andrewwhitehead/anoncreds-w3c-mapping
- Keep an eye on the repo – a context has been developed that should work for this.
- Open PRs Review, Open Issues Review
- Issue #86: Should we allow the possibility of an Issuer using only a subset of a schema?
- Discussed at the 37:26 mark of the recording.
- Short answer is no – it's a bad idea for holders and verifiers, as it eliminates the expectation of what claims are in a credential. As noted in the ACA-Py discussion, the issuer has options for not using attributes (such as putting "NULL" into the credential). Such a change would be very complicated.
- Issue #92: Does AnonCreds support in the Presentation Request / Presentation flow the concept of presenting any one of N verifiable credentials?
- Discussed at the 47:04 mark of the recording.
- It may, using unrevealed attributes.
- If it does not work, the path to follow to "fix" this would mostly likely be to go to DIF Presentation Exchange, and not to
- Issue #100: Clarifying if the holder is the software agent acting on behalf of an entity or the entity itself
- Request for others to review and discuss at the next meeting
- Issue #86: Should we allow the possibility of an Issuer using only a subset of a schema?
- Open Discussion
Future Calls
- None pending
To Dos:
- Request from Stephen Curran -- I'd like to go through the
section of the spec to convert the specific implementation calls (e.g.indy_prover_...
and the like) into content to be more about the data objects passed into AnonCreds/returned from AnonCreds for processing events. - Ankur to add paragraph about philosophy of the AnonCreds API, styles
- Review the Issuing and Presentation sections to exclude Legacy Indy impacts, and to formalize the Abstract API for writing/reading published objects
- Cred Def Generation + PRIVATE_CRED_DEF -- non revocation, and plus revocation
- Revocation data elements -- definition
- Normative/Non-normative references
- Collect from documents mentioned below (under action items) and from previous meeting
Action items
- Suggestion made and supported that the group request to provide a presentation about AnonCreds to the W3C VC Working Group about the formatting of AnonCreds verifiable credential and presentation in W3C format and the processing implied.
- Issue -- should "encoded" generation be handled by the Issuer or within AnonCreds?
- Formalize the encoding in the specification
- Transition to "encoding in AnonCreds" ASAP
- Links to be referenced in the spec and used where needed:
- From Artur Philipp : Issue about raw/encoded values used in AnonCreds https://jira.hyperledger.org/browse/IS-786
- Latex in Spec-Up / (Re)Discovery of AnonCreds Protocols paper from Mike Lodder, Brent Zundel. There is a full latex version of the document -- that document uses images to get the calculations into the text.