2022-11-07 AnonCreds Rust Working Group Meeting


  • Ledger Agnostic AnonCreds Project Plan
    • Who is doing what?
  • Backwards compatibility testing
  • Maintainers List
  • Future Meetings Schedule
  • Open Discussion

Recording of Call: dummyfile.txt


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Welcome and Introductions


Stephen Curran (BC Gov / Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) <swcurran@cloudcompass.ca>

Timo Glastra (Timo Glastra) <timo@animo.id>

Victor Martinez (Víctor Martínez) <victor.martinez@sicpa.com>

Darko Kulic (Darko Kulic) <darko.kulic@sicpa.com>

Lance Byrd (RootsID) <lance.byrd@rootsid.com>

AnonCreds Repositories:

Meeting Preliminaries:

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Announcements:
    • IIW -- Nov 15-17, Mountain View, Calif.
      • Suggestions for what to do at IIW
  • Updates to the Agenda


  • Ledger Agnostic AnonCreds Project Plan
    • Discussed, add a couple of things. Some items were claimed.
  • Backwards compatibility testing
    • Tasks created and taken by Timo to look at ACA-Py and AFJ and the effort to bring in the anoncreds-rs artifacts such that we can start to use them.
    • Agreed that all peer-to-peer interactions/data structures should look the same, with the exception of the format of the IDs in the objects
    • We need to have an AnonCreds Methods registrar/resolver interface in the ACA-Py and AFJ codebases, similar to where we are with DIDs.
      • This is to enable the ledger-specific calls based on what the Aries Framework is configured to do for writing, or the resolution of AnonCreds IDs received.
    • For integration testing in Aries Frameworks and AATH: we'll wait until we're further along in producing artifacts before we move into integration testing.
    • Unit tests:
      • Keep building them (of course!)
      • There are many commented out tests – mostly because the Indy-SDK had access to an indy-wallet, and many of the tests assume that. We should add an in-memory wallet instance to enable activating those tests.
      • Task added to "uncomment" as many tests as possible and that make sense has been added.
  • Maintainers List
    • Reviewed and for now we are happy with the list. The process is in place for 
  • Future Meetings Schedule
    • Decision not to set a weekly/biweekly call. Instead, we'll go async first (Github, Discord), but strongly encourage Devs/Maintainers to call a meeting to address when async will taking too long. 
    • Always an option to have a discussion during or immediately after an AnonCreds spec meeting (Monday 7:00 Pacific / 16:00 Central Europe)
  • Wrappers:
    • Would be nice to have generated wrappers if they are of sufficient quality and consistent with the Rust model (which may not be possible). Stephen to talk to Steve McCownabout what generated wrappers would be like to see if the rest of the Devs are supportive.
    • Keep wrappers in the repo or have them as a separate repo?
      • Argument to keep them in – we can make them a GHAction test to be working before merges – more likely to keep them up to date – and we can produce release artifacts in-sync with tags.
      • Argument to move them out – unmaintained wrappers become a burden and they make releasing features harder. Having them in a separate repo can make them easier to update (although that should really not be the case as long as we have active, engaged maintainers).
      • Proposal:
        • Keep core, active wrappers in, with GHA tests and artifact generation/publishing.
        • Keep existing, but non-core (no active maintainers) in separate repos
        • Have a process for moving a wrapper out of the main repo, and for moving a repo into the main repo.
          • Mostly tied around the number of active devs contributing to the wrappers and the roadblocks for releases because of slow wrapper maintainers
  • Open Discussion

Future Calls

To Dos:

Action items