2023 Meetings: AnonCreds Working Group
2023 Meetings: AnonCreds Working Group
2023 AnonCreds Working Group Meeting Agendas and Notes
2023-12-18 AnonCreds Working Group Meeting
- Eliminating the need for an AnonCreds JSON-LD
- Aries Issue Credential and Present Proof attachment formats
- Open Discussion
2023-12-11 AnonCreds Working Group Meeting
- Project Update/Discussion: AnonCreds v1.0 in the W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model Standard format
- Wrap up!!!
- Exposed APIs
- Aries Issue Credential and Present Proof attachment formats
- Eliminating the need for an AnonCreds JSON-LD
- Open Discussion
2023-12-04 AnonCreds Working Group Meeting
- Project Update/Discussion: AnonCreds v1.0 in the W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model Standard format
- Aries Issue Credential and Present Proof attachment formats
- PRs to the AnonCreds specification
- Updates on AnonCreds V2 - implementation, to dos and the specification
- Open Discussion
2023-11-27 AnonCreds Working Group Meeting
- Project Update/Discussion: AnonCreds v1.0 in the W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model Standard format
- PRs to the AnonCreds specification
- Privacy, Security Considerations
- Verifications of the proofs
- More cleanup
- Open Discussion
2023-11-20 AnonCreds Working Group Meeting
- PRs to the AnonCreds specification
- CL Signature PRs
- Project Update/Discussion: AnonCreds v1.0 in the W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model Standard format
- Discussion with the downstream implementers
- Open Discussion
2023-11-13 AnonCreds Working Group Meeting
- PRs to the AnonCreds specification – checklist for completion
- Project Update/Discussion: AnonCreds v1.0 in the W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model Standard format
- Update on AnonCreds v2.0 Work
- Open Discussion
2023-11-06 AnonCreds Working Group Meeting
- PRs to the AnonCreds specification – current status
- Design and planning – AnonCreds v1.0 in the W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model Standard format
- Open Discussion
2023-10-30 AnonCreds Working Group Meeting
- What's Happening With AnonCreds Rust Implementation
- AnonCreds Specification PRs
- Update from IIW – presentation given, response, potential partners
- The AnonCreds V2 To Do List – ready to work?
- Open Discussion
2023-10-16 AnonCreds v2.0 Working Group Meeting
- Update from IIW – presentation given, response, potential partners
- The AnonCreds V2 To Do List – ready to work?
- AnonCreds Specification PRs
- Open Discussion
2023-10-02 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
- The CredX repository – the AnonCreds v2 glue for the Agora libraries
- Open Discussion
2023-09-25 AnonCreds v2.0 Working Group Meeting
- Hyperledger Labs Agora – an implementation of (the planned) AnonCreds 2.0 – and more!
- Open Discussion
2023-09-11 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
- PRs to Review
- AnonCreds v2.0 – what code exists?
- AnonCreds RS Implementation update – the state of the Shared Components
- Open Discussion
2023-08-21 AnonCreds v2.0 Working Group Meeting
- AnonCreds v1.0 Spec PRs – Cryptographic Elements
- Open Discussion
2023-08-14 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
- Updates on the recent work done in removing Ursa dependencies
- PRs to Review
- Open Discussion
2023-07-31 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
- Recent work on CL-Signatures
- PRs to Review
- Hyperledger AnonCreds Quarterly Report
- Open Discussion
2023-07-17 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
- PRs to Review
- AnonCreds in W3C Format – proposal for the API
- Open Discussion
2023-07-10 AnonCreds v2.0 Working Group Meeting
- Revocation Requirements – what we need in a Revocation Mechanism
- Schema Claim Types for Dates
- Open Discussion
2023-06-26 AnonCreds v2.0 Working Group Meeting
- Presentation Data Models
- Predicate Types
- Open Discussion
2023-06-19 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
- Celebration!! AnonCreds 0.1.0 Release finalized!
- AnonCreds Workshop Report
- Mentorship Update
- AnonCreds Specification: Mixing overview/flow information with cryptographic details
- New revocation approaches
- Open Discussion
2023-06-12 AnonCreds v2.0 Working Group Meeting
- Update on AnonCreds Happenings
- Discussion: Modularity in the Underlying Signature Schemes - Mike Lodder
- Understandable names for schema types
- Presentation Data Models
- Open Discussion
2023-05-22 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
- Presentation from IBM Zurich Research Group – Revocation Scheme
- Checkin: anoncreds-rs implementation progress, requests
- Open Discussion
2023-05-08 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
- Update on the AnonCreds V2.0 Working Group
- Unrevealed attributes
- Checkin: anoncreds-rs implementation progress, requests
- Open Discussion
2023-05-01 AnonCreds v2.0 Working Group Meeting
- Reviewing the proposed data models for AnonCreds v2.0 - https://hackmd.io/ZlsnLoclSveePJOZljgMfA
- Revocation using zk-SAM
- Open Discussion
2023-04-24 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
- Update on the AnonCreds V2.0 Working Group
- Hyperledger AnonCreds Workshop – May 31, 2023 8:00 Pacific / 17:00 Central Europe
- IIW Recap
- Discussion: AnonCreds in W3C VC and JWT formats
- Checkin: anoncreds-rs implementation progress, requests
- Open Discussion
2023-04-03 AnonCreds v2.0 Working Group Meeting
- Revocation Scheme Proposal ALLOSAUR - Presentation - Mike Lodder
- Request: Support for Arrays and Nested data in AnonCreds
- Open Discussion
2023-03-27 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
- Update on the AnonCreds V2.0 Working Group
- Hyperledger AnonCreds Workshop – late May, early June
- IIW Sessions – proposals, plans
- PRs - just one
- Issues to discuss -
- Checkin: anoncreds-rs implementation progress, requests
- Open Discussion
2023-03-20 AnonCreds v2.0 Working Group Meeting
- Proposed AnonCreds v2.0 Data Models - Presentation - Mike Lodder
- Open Discussion
2023-03-13 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
- TIME CHANGE IN EUROPE – Call is one hour earlier than normal – 7:00 Pacific / 15:00 Central Europe
- Update on the AnonCreds V2.0 Working Group
- Hyperledger AnonCreds Workshop?
- Question: The new Revocation Interface for Indy Ledgers – process? Working?
- PRs
- Issues to discuss
- Checkin: anoncreds-rs implementation progress, requests
- Open Discussion
2023-03-06 AnonCreds v2.0 Working Group Meeting
- Proposed AnonCreds v2.0 Data Models - Mike Lodder
- Open Discussion
2023-02-27 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
- Update on the AnonCreds V2.0 Working Group
- AnonCreds on Cardano - Presentation by Rodolfo Miranda
- AnonCreds, JSON-LD, W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model Standard and the VCWG
- PRs
- Issues to discuss
- Checkin: anoncreds-rs implementation progress, requests
- Open Discussion
2023-02-20 AnonCreds v2.0 Working Group Meeting
- Getting Organized
- Goals of the Working Group
- What are we starting with?
- Open Discussion
2023-02-13 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
- PRs, Issues
- Issues to be Closed
- ANDs and ORs
- Progress on the anoncreds_rs implementation
- Open Discussion
2023-02-06 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
- Back to prover_did – not optional/not issuer generated?
- WQL in Presentation Request?
- PRs
- Progress on the anoncreds_rs implementation
- Open Discussion
2023-01-30 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
- Revocation Interval
- Getting started on AnonCreds v2 Discussion?
- Progress on the anoncreds_rs implementation
- Open Discussion
2023-01-23 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
- PRs
- issuance_by_* handling
- Revocation Interval
- Do we need an anoncreds-indy-rs repo for the legacy indy and did:indy AnonCreds methods?
- Progress on the anoncreds_rs implementation
- Open Discussion
2023-01-09 AnonCreds Specification Working Group Meeting
- Several PRs
- Revocation Interval
- Update on prover_did?
- Progress on the anoncreds_rs implementation
- Open Discussion