2024-01-08 AnonCreds Working Group Meeting
2024-01-08 AnonCreds Working Group Meeting
- AnonCreds Roadmap – topic introduction
- Aries Issue Credential and Present Proof attachment formats
- Open Discussion
Time: 7:00 Pacific / 16:00 Central Europe
Call Link: https://zoom.us/j/97954159540?pwd=WWk3WmQ3MVh1SXBYZGVreGl0QllGdz09
This specification creating group operates under the Linux Foundation Community Specification License v1.0.
cifi | Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct. |
Meeting Attendees
Stephen Curran (BC Gov / Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) <swcurran@cloudcompass.ca>
Steve McCown (Anonyome Labs) <smccown@anonyome.com>
Related Specifications and Repositories:
- AnonCreds v1.0:
- The v1.0 specification is published here: https://hyperledger.github.io/anoncreds-spec/
- The Working Group uses this GitHub repository to manage the specification: https://github.com/hyperledger/anoncreds-spec
- The AnonCreds Methods Registry: https://hyperledger.github.io/anoncreds-methods-registry
- The v1.0 implementation in Rust is here: https://github.com/hyperledger/anoncreds-rs
- The v1.0 implementation is dependent on this Rust CL Signatures implementation: https://github.com/hyperledger/anoncreds-clsignatures-rs
- AnonCreds v2.0
- The initial framework for the v2.0 specification repository is here: https://github.com/hyperledger/anoncreds-spec-v2
- The v2.0 implementation in Rust is here: https://github.com/hyperledger/anoncreds-v2-rs
- Underlying AnonCreds v2.0 are cryptographic libraries in Hyperledger Labs Agora
Meeting Preliminaries:
- Welcome and Introductions
- Announcements:
- Any updates to the Agenda?
Open Issues
- AnonCreds Roadmap 2024
- Hyperledger TOC Requirement for projects to submit an Annual Report
- Currently working on the report
- Looking to have a discussion about the Roadmap at next Monday's meeting
- Possible List:
- AnonCreds W3C VC Format
- Finalized v1.0 Spec.
- AnonCreds v2.0
- Combine with other efforts around Data Integrity Proofs and BBS+ Signatures.
- Combine ZKP/non-ZKP Revocation implementation (ALLOSAUR and StatusList2021)
- W3C VC Format
- Hyperledger Labs Agora
- Draft Specification v2.0
- Experiment with Post Quantum PS Signatures
- Aries Issue Credential / Present Proof Attachments
- Current: Indy, JSON-LD - which do we use, or should we define another that (also) handles JWTs?
- HackMD: https://hackmd.io/JEIOxf_ETnaX33kTIu7YJw?view
- Test Vectors Repo (!!): https://github.com/TimoGlastra/anoncreds-w3c-test-vectors
- Outcome still to be defined. Leading proposals:
- Issue either:
- With RFC 0592/0771 and add handling for an extra an proof type, or
- With the new attachment format being proposed by Timo
- Present either:
- With RFC 0592/0771 for AnonCreds presentations and RFC 0510 (DIF Presentation Exchange) for JSON-LD presentations, or
- With RFC 0510 for both AnonCreds and JSON-LD presentations
- Extending the 0510 handling for generating/verifying AnonCreds presentations by automating the finding of AnonCreds source VCs for a presentation from DIF PE data, and creating a DIF PE Submission.
- Challenge: I think (to be confirmed), an AnonCreds presentation requires including an AnonCreds-format presentation request. Can that be produced? Should it be, since the verifier already has it...
- Extending the 0510 handling for generating/verifying AnonCreds presentations by automating the finding of AnonCreds source VCs for a presentation from DIF PE data, and creating a DIF PE Submission.
- NOTE: If an AnonCreds VC is to also have a non-AnonCreds DataIntegrityProof that also has holder binding, the AnonCreds VC MUST have an "id" field explicitly added, and hold a DID. We can document that.
- Issue either:
- Chat:
Future Calls
To Dos:
Action items
- Links to be referenced in the spec and used where needed:
W3C AnonCreds + AFJ Demo
- Aries Framework JavaScript repo: https://github.com/DSRCorporation/aries-framework-javascript/tree/w3c-demo-poc
- Anoncreds-RS library, Anoncreds-NodeJs, and Anoncreds-Shared are built from the branch: https://github.com/DSRCorporation/anoncreds-rs/tree/anoncreds-wc3-wrappers
- Use main implementation (not included, dropping of
- Use main implementation (not included, dropping of
- Update AFJ
and `@hyperledger/anoncreds-shared` dependencies to use locally built packages
, multiple selections available,