2024-04-08 AnonCreds Working Group Meeting - CANCELLED

2024-04-08 AnonCreds Working Group Meeting - CANCELLED


Conference season - chairs unavailable

Time: 7:00 Pacific / 16:00 Central Europe
Call Link: https://zoom.us/j/97954159540?pwd=WWk3WmQ3MVh1SXBYZGVreGl0QllGdz09



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Meeting Attendees

  • Stephen Curran (BC Gov / Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) <swcurran@cloudcompass.ca>

Related Specifications and Repositories:

Meeting Preliminaries:


  • AnonCreds v1 in W3C VCDM Format - Status/Updates
  • AnonCreds v2 in W3C VCDM Format – Ideas
  • Update on the Hyperledger Labs Agora Libraries
  • Complex JSON in AnonCreds – ideas for the Schema Object
    • Thinking about AnonCreds V2 with complex JSON, and what the Schema would look like.
    • In V2, there are is metadata per VC attribute that provides input into the encoding for the element -- e.g., it's a string, an integer, an integer range, a date, an enumerated set, scalar (e.g. link secret).
    • Example of a simple schema to show the metadata: https://github.com/swcurran/anoncreds-v2-rs/blob/samples/examples/schema-with-linked-secret.json
    • Question – how do we manage the schema when we need to support complex JSON (structures, arrays). 
      • Idea 1: Use JSON.Path references to JSON items so we are back to a flat list of attributes
        • Schema is a flat list like in AnonCreds v1, but attribute names are put into JSON Path format. 
        • Metadata is attached to each attribute in the (flat) list.
      • Idea 2: Use JSON-LD 
        • How much would JSON-LD help with this?
          • Probably not much
        • Is there already enough data to tell us much of those things?
          • I would guess not. It could have a lot of it, but not all that we need.
          • Completely dependent on the use case – definitely not guaranteed. Must be able to supplement it.
        • What tools are there to see for a given JSON-LD document what attributes we know about each attribute?
          • Tools are available.
        • Would it make sense to use JSON-LD and supplement attributes as needed?
          • Question for the JSON-LD crowd.
          • I think we wind up with an @context  per schema – which might be problematic.
      • Idea 3: Use JSON Schema
        • Define the AnonCreds v2 schema metadata using JSON Schema.
      • Idea 4: Use an OCA Bundle, and define an Overlay that is for AnonCreds Schema attributes.
        • Still have to sort out how to do complex JSON – likely the JSON.Path flattened approach.
        • Enables using the same "bundle" to include schema information.
        • Challenge: OCA Bundles as we use them in Aries are usually created by the Issuer to enable them to add their branding.
          • With this we would push a lot more into combining layering Issuer-defined OCA Bundles on top of Schema-defined OCA Bundles
  • Open Discussion

To Dos:

Action items