2022-03-25 Indy Container Meeting #36
2022-03-25 Indy Container Meeting #36
- Tooling
- Productive Setup
- Logging
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- Sebastian Schmittner (EECC)
- Guido Wischrop (MGM)
- Marquart Franz (Siemens)
- Christian Kubis (IFIS)
In Progress
Move IDU specific tools ( https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-container/blob/main/run/set_iptables_for_idu.sh ) to ID U repo... → Which?
- move https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-container/blob/main/run/idu_ips to https://github.com/IDunion/Internal-Information/tree/main/Tools/iptables
- keep set_... script
- document! → run/README
Using Container in Production Network
- Docs → README
- What needs to be done for production setting?
- Latest images
Upgrades via node controller
- Marquart: OOS clearing? (z.B. https://www.blackducksoftware.com/ )
- limit docker logs
- https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/logging/configure/
- TBD local / json-file
- document anyway!
- log rotation anyway!
driver: "json-file"
max-file: "5"
max-size: "100m"
default log level?
mounting log files (
)- https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-container/blob/main/run/docker-compose.yml
- rotation?
- += run/README
journals stuff -> not!
Release automation / Scans
- https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-container/issues/46
- Add Slack bot
- https://action-slack.netlify.app/usage was added to ID Union Slack
- Sebastian Zickau continues in a personal fork
- Notification working
- Carlos: https://github.com/IDunion/indy-node-monitor
- https://github.com/WadeBarnes/indy-node-monitor/tree/monitoring-stack
- Existing Prometheus + Grafana setup by IFIS
The node keys handling is currently sub optimal (env variable). Should be improved to e.g. file based setup: https://github.com/IDunion/indy-node-container/issues/52
- Cristian already has a nice setup elsewhere and offers to port it
- https://github.com/internet-sicherheit/sovrin-container
- Merge of IFIS repo?
- Issue#102: Indy Node system tests depend on the Sovrin package
- Improve our own testing!
Support for non-docker setup
- Helm Charts
- Might geht interesting at some point in the future
- Potential Clients Spherity/MGM
- Might geht interesting at some point in the future
- Podman
Next Meeting
- Change to Bi-Weekly: Fri 9:15-10:00 (UTC+1)
- Next Meeting: 2022-04-08
, multiple selections available,