2022-09-01 Indy Container Meeting #43
2022-09-01 Indy Container Meeting #43
- Controller issues
- Indy Node Upgrade
- Meeting time
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- Sebastian Schmittner (EECC)
- Christian Bormann (Robert Bosch GmbH)
- Philipp Schlarb (esatus AG) <p.schlarb@esatus.com>
- Franz, Marquart (FT RPD SSP)
- Christian Fries (EECC)
In Progress
Indy 1.12.6 Upgrade
- Christian (B) has tried upgrading via the docker based node controller. Upgrade failed. See https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-container/issues/108
- Otherwise the recent container releases with the 1.12.5 and 1.12.6 upgrades are running well
Indy Node Controller
- The Upgrade Prozess in Indy needs to be improved in order to propperly support upgrading containers
- The principal Controller solution mounting the host docker socket into the controller container might be re-discussed as well
Tagging of Container releases
- Include indy node version
- For upgrade!
- https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-container/issues/96
- probably resolved?
- Maintainers.md: https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-container/issues/98
IP Tables script:
- https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-container/blob/main/run/set_iptables.sh
- Add to README: flush Chain (default docker) before running the script
- Check that DROP rule is automatically moved to correct position
- Note: There will be an update for the IP Table rule (conn limit per IP for port 9702) in early September
Network connectivity test script
Idea: Script to test that IP Tables rules are as they should be
- At least check that node can connect (TCP lvl) to all other nodes
- Bonus: Check that connection from outside is not possible
Still 2do
Load Test Script by Christian Bormann
- on hold
Meeting time slot
- Back to FR 9:15-10:00 (Berlin) for now
- Change back to US friendly when anyone from US is interested in joining
- Sebastian Z finished work on slack alerting action.
- Send webhook to Sebastian Schmittner → Forward to Stephen Curranto add to github repo, then MR github action
- Replace scan → github security alerts or do both?
Stale PR https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-container/pull/83
- Discussion today:
- Rather document how to edit the https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-container/blob/main/run/etc_indy/indy_config.py then overwriting those variables at container start through init script
- Network Name → same!?
- Definietly keep READE + docker logging explanation
- → sesinsible default for logging in docker compose
- Sebastian Schmittner
- Carlos: https://github.com/IDunion/indy-node-monitor
- https://github.com/WadeBarnes/indy-node-monitor/tree/monitoring-stack
- Existing Prometheus + Grafana setup by IFIS
The node keys handling is currently sub optimal (env variable). Should be improved to e.g. file based setup: https://github.com/IDunion/indy-node-container/issues/52
- Cristian already has a nice setup elsewhere and offers to port it
- https://github.com/internet-sicherheit/sovrin-container
- Merge of IFIS repo?
- Issue#102: Indy Node system tests depend on the Sovrin package
- Improve our own testing!
Support for non-docker setup
- Helm Charts
- Might geht interesting at some point in the future
- Potential Clients Spherity/MGM
- Might geht interesting at some point in the future
- Podman
Next Meeting
- Next meeting: 2022-09-16 9:15 (Berlin time)