2022-06-10 Indy Container Meeting #39
2022-06-10 Indy Container Meeting #39
- Change Meeting Time (US friendly)
- Test Network Setyp
- Reproduce Consensus Issues
- Alerting
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- Sebastian Schmittner (EECC)
- Guido Wischrop (MGM)
- Christian Kubis (IFIS)
- Sebastian Zickau (Stadt Köln)
- Mirko Mollik
- Niclas Mietz
- Philipp Schlarb (esatus AG) <p.schlarb@esatus.com>
- Christian Bormann (Robert Bosch GmbH)
In Progress
Meeting Time Slot
- Change to a US friendly time slot
- Thursday 17:00 CEST (UTC+2)
- next call 2022-06-23
- stay bi-weekly
Test Setup
- https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-container/tree/main/test
- Currently:
- Run 4 node setup with 3 x ubuntu16 + 1 x test candidate
- Local run possible
- Runs as github https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-container/blob/cb40bd1eba6d2024fc968d55e61491310c8f7be6/.github/workflows/build-all.yml#L106
- Christian developed new test setup
- Writing many transactions via VDR ( https://st1.zoom.us/web_client/3jktxx3/html/externalLinkPage.html?ref=https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-vdr )
- To reproduce consensus problems
- Sebastian Schmittner: try to find setup that consistently reproduces the write consensus problems!
- Old debian images → pypi
- Sebastian Schmittner: try to find setup that consistently reproduces the write consensus problems!
- New PR for (test?) network(s?)
- https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-container/pull/92
- This seems to be directed to either run or more likely test
- Talk to contributor and integrate into our work
- DRY! No copy-paste files in another directory!
- Sebastian Z finished work on slack alerting action.
- Send webhook to Sebastian Schmittner → Forward to Stephen Curranto add to github repo, then MR github action
Using Container in Production Network
- Docs → README
- TODO: Set up a new node (step by step) from our repo+readme
- check if it works and everything is explained well enough
- TODO: Set up a new node (step by step) from our repo+readme
- What needs to be done for production setting
- Upgrade Process
- Latest images
Upgrades via node controller
- We have a setting. Good enough?
- Upgrade Process
Stale PR https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node-container/pull/83
- Sebastian Schmittner → Nicklas (solidnerd): who is to finish this?
TRA / OSS Clearing / ...
- Marquart triggering Siemens processes to check whether Indy nod (Container) can be run in productive setting for a Siemens scale company
- Carlos: https://github.com/IDunion/indy-node-monitor
- https://github.com/WadeBarnes/indy-node-monitor/tree/monitoring-stack
- Existing Prometheus + Grafana setup by IFIS
The node keys handling is currently sub optimal (env variable). Should be improved to e.g. file based setup: https://github.com/IDunion/indy-node-container/issues/52
- Cristian already has a nice setup elsewhere and offers to port it
- https://github.com/internet-sicherheit/sovrin-container
- Merge of IFIS repo?
- Issue#102: Indy Node system tests depend on the Sovrin package
- Improve our own testing!
Support for non-docker setup
- Helm Charts
- Might geht interesting at some point in the future
- Potential Clients Spherity/MGM
- Might geht interesting at some point in the future
- Podman
Next Meeting
- Change to Bi-Weekly: THU 17:00-18:00 (UTC+2)
- Next Meeting: 2022-06-23