Anshika Vashistha

Anshika Vashistha

Project Name: Hyperledger Labs AI-FAQ LLM ChatBot GUI implementation and prototype deployment

Primary Focus: Coding and Documentation

Greetings to everyone,I am Anshika Vashistha ,a prefinal year graduate in Information Technology, at Galgotia College of Engineering and Technology.

Here is my personal portfolio website: https://anshikavashistha.netlify.app/

Project Synopsis:

This project focuses on enhancing the usability and accessibility of the existing Hyperledger Labs AIFAQ, a proof-of-concept Large Language Model (LLM) chatbot. Currently, AIFAQ utilizes a Google Colab Notebook with a Gradio interface, limiting its user-friendliness and scalability.

Business Committee

In social media ,I have been working on the Medium and Github project maintainer. Here is the medium article: 

  1. https://medium.com/@anshikav1534/introducing-aifaq-revolutionizing-hyperledger-documentation-with-ai-powered-chatbot-88cfdbd73281

Development Committee

  1. Fixing prompt bugs: While performing the API testing ,I have encountered an Internal server error caused due to prompt bugs.
  2. Revamping UI component: Here is the draft of the PR link,https://github.com/swaptr/aifaq/pull/1/files#diff-9eaa8c31e85b60ae25c139f2d6363cc9dcb6926125b5bf1d0cac092547e8cfcb 

    The following UI components need to be revamped. Note that we are using shadcn/ui and radix for the base components so we can support any first-class dependencies from there.

    •  Responsive Navigation Bar
    •  Dropdown Menu
    •  Responsive Modals

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