Shreya Sahay

Shreya Sahay

Ā Greetings! I'm Shreya Sahay, A Pre-final year Electronics and Computer Science Engineering Student from Fr.Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering,Mumbai, India. Standing at the junction point of Software and Hardware, my areas of interest lies in - Machine Learning ,Deep Learning, Cloud Computing and the recent trendsetter - Generative AI . Now, on the front of Hardware - everything from System Verilog, Microprocessors and Operating System. I'm fascinated with how the amalgamation of these domains has shaped today's society. This has led me to start my journey in tech by becoming an OpenSource Contributor. I've started my journey in Open Source in the early months of 2023 and from then on I've been contributing to a lot of projects which cover my interests and I'm happy to - share these projects , coding for them and collaborating with people on code has really made me understand the importance of a like-minded community and how it pushes you forward to do better . For this, I'm really grateful to Open Source Community for making me a better programmer and a better contributor.

I'm thrilled to contribute to the Hyperledger AI FAQ Lab and contribute with a like-minded community.

Here are my profiles :-

Github- sahaycodes (Shreya S Sahay) (github.com)

LinkedIN- (1) Shreya S Sahay | LinkedIn

Email - sahayshreya20@gmail.com and sahay281620@gmail.com

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