Abhinav Pandey

Abhinav Pandey

I’m a student at IIT Varanasi and a Software Engineer with 2+ years of Experience in Development and Programming who brings a vast array of skills to the table when offered.

I’m an avid Open Source contributor whose lines of code are being used in Big Tech organisations like MicrosoftPecan Project, Layer5 and AppWrite. I’ve also been a part of various Communities all around the Globe like Julia Community, Pecan-Project and AgentaAI. I also have a knack for Competitive Programming to sharpen my mind and polish my programming skills.

I've also been selected as GSoC'24 (Google Summer of Code) Candidate for PEcAn Project to Build and Optimise 13 massive Standalone R Packages  single handedly.

My technical Skills are as follow :

  • Frontend : React, Next.js, Typescript, Vercel, Tailwind, Vue.js, EJS, JQuery, CSS5, Redux
  • Backend : Node.js, Typescript, Flask, Nest.js, Bun.js, AWS, Django, gRPC, CobraCLI
  • Technologies and Platforms : Github, BitBucket, Gitlab, Gitkraken, Brew, Bash, Git, Notion, AWS, RestAPIs, GraphQL, Docker, Postman, Continuous Integration
  • Competitive Progamming & Data Structures : C++, Java, Golang, Rust
  • Machine Learning : Python, Pytorch, Jupyter Notebooks, Pandas, Seaborne, ScikitLearn, LLM, RAG Operations

My Previous Contributions to the Hyperledger Community are as below :

Github : https://github.com/Sweetdevil144

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhinav-pandey-441504252/

E-mail : abhinav.pandey.met22@itbhu.ac.in , abhinavpandey1230@gmail.com

Resume Link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m76FkVXuonhF38DV-fuKWgAcsbkcyu05/view?usp=sharing

Leetcode : http://leetcode.com/Sweetdevil144/

DevTo Blog Profile : dev.to/devrx

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