Business Partner Agent

Business Partner Agent (BPA) is a Hyperledger Labs project that is creating a digital wallet for businesses to automate cross-business processes using verifiable credentials. The BPA is a Java Micronaut web service and a VueJS frontend built on top of Aries Cloud Agent Python. 

Here's an example done in the BC Government using the BPA:


more videos from BC Gov on Youtube: Mines Digital Trust Ecosystem Playlist

You are welcome to get involved!

Hyperledger, as part of the  Linux Foundation, is an open source community and anyone who is interested is welcome to use the code, talk to others in the community and make contributions to this project.

Some useful links to get you started:
Weekly call with the maintainers

Every Tuesday at 16:00 CET (15:00 UTC)

Teams Link

Let us make your contribution journey easier.

Try deploying the BPA with GitPod

The easiest way to get started is using Gitpod. Just click on the link and two BPAs will get deployed together with a development environment (find some hints in our debugging docu).

Now that you have used it, you can have a look at a list of issues and start contributing. We will be excited to see you contribute !!!!


Take a look at the issues below or on our Github issue tracker.  If there is an issue you are interested in, simply comment on it so that a Maintainer can assign you to that task.

How to Get Involved

This is an open source project and anyone is welcome to get involved and we will be happy to see you contribute.

1) Read our Contribution guide

2) Look through our Issue list below

3) Choose an issue that you want to pick and comment on it so that a Maintainer can assign you to that task

4) Follow the contributing process and raise a PR

5) The code will be reviewed by our Maintainers and merged

Have any questions?

If you have any questions about using or contributing to the project, join our chat channel.  Feel free to introduce yourself and ask your questions at:

New to Hyperledger?  You'll need a Linux Foundation ID (LFID) to edit our wiki pages and chat on Hyperledger channels.  Here's how to get your LFID .

Do you want see how the BC Government is planning to use BPA for clients ? Would you like to collaborate on the roadmap, architecture, automation or documentation to make it better, more useful?

We will be excited to take your interest forward.

Contact with the BC Gov Team