2022-03-22 Aries Cloud Agent - Python Users Group Community Meeting

2022-03-22 Aries Cloud Agent - Python Users Group Community Meeting


Planned Topics:

  • Getting to release 0.7.4 – key release notes and breaking changes?
    • Persistent Queues update – design change to make PQs an external plugin
  • Multi-tenancy security and questions raised in issue 1632: --multitenant-admin security questions  
  • Endorser for multi-tenant agents
  • Including seed in the Admin Interface
  • Clarification on did-exchange implicit request pthid (PR 1599) 

Recording from the call: dummyfile.txt

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Welcome and Introductions


  • Stephen Curran (Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) <swcurran@cloudcompass.ca>


Deployments and Work Updates


  • Update on Release 0.7.4
  • Update: Adding persistent queues in ACA-Py – Shaanjot Gill
    • New design outlined – plugin; implementation status updated
  • Multi-tenancy security and questions raised in issue 1632: --multitenant-admin security questions 
    • Resolution: Approach decided; new Issue to open as "Help Wanted"; Not crucial for 0.7.4
  • Endorser for multi-tenant agents – issue 1657
    • Resolution: Recommendation is to use a separate endorser instance
    • Future: create an aries-endorser-service repo
  • Including the seed as a parameter in the Admin interface – issue 1640
    • Resolution: Could be added with a "--do-you-really-want-to-do-this" option to enable it. "Help Wanted" issue to be added.
  • To merge or not to merge, that is the question: 1620 - Updates to Connection State
    • Summary from Philipp.Etschel:  I think this task started as a fix for a minor inconsistency between documentation, connection record and connection event and then mutated into a whole discussion about the deprecation of the connection protocol. So I would propose to either just fix the inconsistency, or wait until there is a decision on how to proceed. Basically there are three open questions.
      • 1. how to handle the connection states
      • 2. how to handle the deprecation
      • 3. how to migrate stored data.
    • Resolution: Need more input from implementers – Daniel Bluhm(at least) to take a look)
  • Clarification on did-exchange implicit request pthid (PR 1599)
    • To be discussed on the Aries WG Meeting tomorrow.

Next Meeting

Future Topics

Action items