2020-12-01 Indy DID Method Specification Call
2020-12-01 Indy DID Method Specification Call
- Review: Discovery of networks
- Given a DID, how to find it's network via gossiped ledger data
- Handling DIDs / DIDDocs using NYMs / ATTRIBs
Recording from the call: 20201201 Indy DID Method Speciation Call Recording
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Welcome and Introductions
- Stephen Curran
- Markus Sabadello
- Dan Gisolfi
- Paul
- @Kamlesh Nagware
- Alexander Jonsson
Collaboration Channels
- Current hackmd document
- indy-did-method on RocketChat - https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/indy-did-method
- indy-did-method repo
Previous Discussions:
- The specific will be specific that all DIDs MUST be self-certifying – e.g. derived from the initial public key used in the NYM
- We'll use ":" for subsidiary ledgers, and we'll include placeholder support for KERI, leading to 4 cases:
- Ledger with no subsidiary name, example:
- KERI identifier on a ledger with no subsidiary name, example:
- Ledger with subsidiary name, example:
- KERI identifier on a ledger with a subsidiary name, example:
- Ledger with no subsidiary name, example:
- To find networks we will require at least the first and perhaps the second of these approaches, while the rest are suggested:
- Config files for one or more known networks
- A mechanism for a ledger operator to register discovery information for other ledgers (aka "human gossip")
- A DID/DIDDoc on a ledger will contain cross-registry information
- A mechanism is needed for finding the DID(s) that contain the registrations – ideas have been put forward
- Decentralized registries based on verifiable credentials
- Other registry mechanisms, such as the DDNR proposal
- did:indy will support version-id using txnID and version-time by returning the object active as of that time
- Code will be needed to be added to did-indy to support that
Online Discussion (from RocketChat this week)
- Review of last week:
- See discussion below and highlight/make decisions
- This week: DIDs / DIDDocs and NYMs / ATTRIBs
- Proposal from Paul Bastian – in hackmd.io document – "Alternative Version" section
- Proposal from Kyle Den Hartogin the HackMd.io document – presentation
- Discussion summary:
- No one likes the "don't change" Indy limitation – we'll have to change Indy to ensure consistency.
- No on likes the possibility of inconsistent results from non-transactional (in the database sense) updates to separate ledger objects.
- Desire is to have the NYM controller information in the DIDDoc either by the ledger verifying it is there or by injecting it during the writing or resolution.
- This is for adherence to the DID Spec and for security – to make clear in the DIDDoc the controller rules.
- If the DIDDoc has in it multiple signature requirements, does Indy enforce that? How would that merge with Indy permission rules (e.g. endorser+author to write object)
- Need to make sure that an ATTRIB-less NYM continues to resolve to a DIDDoc – can't lose that.
- Suggestion made that an ATTRIB-less NYM return a DIDDoc conforming to (or aligning with) the did:key specification.
- Debate: Should a DIDDoc be assembled from just the ATTRIB, from the NYM+latest(ATTRIB) (could be a specific ATTRIB version) or from the NYM+set(ATTRIBs)?
- General feeling is not just the ATTRIB – can't separate out the NYM controller information
- My feeling is that assembling for a set of DIDDocs makes resolution more complex than necessary. For example, this requires rules about how to replace sections when merging ATTRIBs. Doable, but requires complexity that I think is unnecessary.
- Debate: Does any assembly of the DIDDoc occur by the ledger, or does the ledger return the pieces to an external resolver that assembles the DIDDoc?
- No one likes the "don't change" Indy limitation – we'll have to change Indy to ensure consistency.
Summary - Cross-Registering Networks on a Ledger
- Start with a config file for one or more networks
- The config file will contain at least the pool transactions for the ledger – could contain more; see below
- On the ledger will be one or more DIDs that have associated "Network Metadata" information that includes (and might be limited to) information about cross-registered networks.
- Proposed options for finding the "Network Metadata DID(s)" with the network listings:
- A "network metadata" DID embedded in the config file.
- Proposed that writing to the DID would be controlled, such as by a Trustee or some other config rules.
- Could be found via resolving "known DIDs" so that knowledge of the "special" DID is not needed:
- DIDs of each Trustee on the network (requires search by role)
- DIDs of each Steward on the network (requires search by role)
- A DID with a new "Network Metadata" role (requires search by role)
- Same as putting the DID in the config file, but this enables finding it by role.
- Resolving the "namespace DID" (e.g. DID with no ledger specific identifier). Requires change to DID Core Spec.
- A "network metadata" DID embedded in the config file.
- Decision: DID in Config File, Trustee DID, Steward DID, New Role DID, Namespace DID
- Impact: What code needs to be written?
- Impact: If trustee or steward DIDs – what processing rules should be applied?
- Proposed options for finding the "Network Metadata DID(s)" with the network listings:
- Decision: Does the network metadata go into an ATTRIB, or does it go into the DIDDoc associated with the DID?
- Data associated with the "Network Metadata" DID(s):
- For cross-registered networks, an array:
- Namespace
- Pool Transactions file contents or
- Location of Pool Transactions file
- Metadata about the ledger
- Link to Governance Framework information
- Other?
- Decision: What categories of data should go into a DID holding Network Metadata?
- Decision: What is the exact format of the data?
- For cross-registered networks, an array:
- Centralized publishing of ledger config files
- All the publishing of ledger config files in a known place – e.g. github – and under the control of an entity such as Hyperledger or DIF
- This is centralized control because the maintainers accept the PRs that update the data
- Decision: Do we want to propose a location to publish config files?
- If yes, Decision: Where?
- All the publishing of ledger config files in a known place – e.g. github – and under the control of an entity such as Hyperledger or DIF
, multiple selections available,