2020-11-03 Indy DID Method Specification Call
2020-11-03 Indy DID Method Specification Call
- Recap of IIW Discussion
- Collaboration Tools
- About the <network> element of the DID
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Recording from the call: 20201103 Indy DID Method Call Recording
Welcome and Introductions
- Status of relevant, unresolved issues in the DID Core Spec
- A `type` attribute
- Recap of discussion at IIW
- Collaboration Tools:
- Current hackmd document
- indy-did-method on RocketChat - https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/indy-did-method
- indy-did-method repo
About the <network> element of the DID – did:indy:<network>:<id>
- What is the goal of the structure of the network?
- Hash (543F4) – unrecognizable, verifiable with the ledger, short, non-discoverable/requires a registry
- Domain Name (example.com) – recognizable, discoverable, not tied to the ledger, dependent on DNS
- Arbitrary Name (SovrinStaging) - recognizable, non-discoverable/requires a registry, not tied to the ledger
- Combination of hash and domain name (this is what TrustBloc does)
Combination of arbitrary name and hash <arbname>:<hash> e.g. did:indy:sovrin:<hash>:<id>
Approach Discoverability Decentralized
VerifiabilityHuman Friendly Conciseness Dependencies Hash of Domain Genesis File No Yes Yes No Yes Registry or Config Domain Name Yes Yes No Yes No DNS Arbitrary Name No Yes No Yes No Registry or Config Hash and Domain Name
Alias, as in TrustBlocYes and No Yes Yes Yes and No Yes and No DNS and Config Arbitrary Name + Hash No Yes Yes Yes No Registry or Config - What is the easiest way for agents to use this?
- DNS is a hard sell per Dan Gisolfi
- A registry implies centralization - e.g. GitHub, DIF, ToIP
- Today it will be just a manual list of name - config files
- Does readability matter? Who sees a DID?
- Should be no one. "If anyone sees a DID, we've failed at our job" - quote from RWoT
- What is the easiest way for agents to use this?
- What is the goal of the structure of the network?
Discussion ended here. The following was not discussed in detail
- First 5 characters of a hash – of what?
- Genesis File
- What Genesis File? Domain (does not change - first n transactions on the ledger), Pool (does change - inevitable as it contains IP:port of nodes)
- Proposal: Use the Domain Genesis File hash
- Pool file is required to contact nodes of the network.
- If Domain, what to do if there is a fork?
- Proposal: Domain Genesis file contains the first n records after the fork, as the sequence number is the same
- What Genesis File? Domain (does not change - first n transactions on the ledger), Pool (does change - inevitable as it contains IP:port of nodes)
- Genesis File
- Should an "alias" be allowed as TrustBloc uses?
- From Troy Ronda: A quick update on our did:trustbloc handling of multiple networks. With the ability to specify a canonical DID in the DID document, we are adding the ability to have both discoverable domains in the DID - e.g., did:trustbloc:domain:suffix and also to have a stable consortium genesis identifier - e.g., did:trustbloc:<consortium genesis hash>:suffix. The canonical DID would become the <consortium genesis hash> version such that the resolution of discoverable domain DIDs would point to this canonical DID in the resolution result.
- TrustBloc alias example:
- did:trustbloc:testnet.trustbloc.dev:s3did12345
- https://testnet.trustbloc.dev/.well-known/did-trustbloc/org1.sandbox.trustbloc.dev.json
- Configuration file – equivalent to the Indy Pool Genesis File
- So Indy might use:
- <domain> alias is :example.com, https://example.com/.well_known/did-indy/ ??
- Perhaps a folder with current ledger pool genesis file (to find the ledger) and ledger domain genesis file (to find/check the hash)
- <domain> alias is :example.com, https://example.com/.well_known/did-indy/ ??
- If the DID to be resolved is NOT using an alias, how is the Pool Genesis File found?
- Known by all that need to know it?
- Registry? GitHub?
Attendees: Stephen Curran Alexander Jonsson Kumaravel N Paul
, multiple selections available,