2020 06 19 DWG Agenda

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  1. Release status: Pam/Joe: Dashboard: https://jira.hyperledger.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10104
    1. Fabric v2.2 (LTS)
      1. Schedule
        1. Friday June 26 end of development
        2. Wed July 8 - Release 2.2
      2. Proposed Contents
        1. TLS v1.3

        2. Automatically include CouchDB in v2.x upgrade step

        3. Fabric dependency updates (use Go modules, update go dependencies, update Alpine

        4. (Tentative) Configure all peers as leaders by default, always get blocks from ordering service (proposed FAB-16435)

        5. Code refactoring for easier maintenance (bccsp, ledger)

        6. Improvements (e.g. improved error messages) and fixes

        7. Removal of BYFN from docs and Samples (keep page there for now but add text and link them to Test network and deployment guide)
  2. Contributors topic for new languages(standing topic)
    1. new i18n repository
    2. Updates for ML, BR_Pt, CN
    3. Recommended topics
    4. Other languages
  3. Fabric Deprecated Items list


Eastern hemisphere call

  1. Introductions and new joiners
    1. Welcome to Kondo-san, looking to join the Japanese translation working group
    2. Reviewed wiki structure with emphasis on language workgroups
    3. Excellent progress from Japanese WG - Japanese Documentation Working Group
  2. Release status
    1. 2.2 LTS in preparation
    2. 2.3, 2.4 longer poll items
    3. Mir BFT work in progress, next step for ordering service
      1. Byzantine and performance
    4. Channel participation API
      1. in progress, some playbacks available in contributors cals
    5. Config txn libary
      1. Making confgitx eaier to do
    6. Deployment guide
      1. CA first pass merged
      2. Set up and usage in review for merge after next week
    7. Snapshot and checkpoint
      1. RFC available and inflight
    8. GO SDK
      1. Beta in prep for GA
      2. no change expected
    9. BYFN now replaced
      1. All tutorials shifted over to test network
    10. Samples workgroup
      1. Solidfying networks etc
  3. New i18n repository for International languages
    1. New repo https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-docs-i18n
    2. Overview of repo
    3. Overview of CI pipeline
    4. Translation approach non PO/POT
    5. Key topics to translate: Intro/Contributions/Glossary
  4. Updates on Malayalam
    1. First full pass has been made by Aneena and team
    2. Second correction pass this week
    3. Will be ready to include in i18n next week
    4. Moved from PO/POT to align with other language teams
  5. New Japanese translation
    1. Pleases connect with Tsujita-san and Nishijima-san
    2. WG active and starting translations
    3. Will follow new i18n repo
  6. Updated documentation for international language contributors:
    1. Anthony will look to do this during the week
    2. Update for i18n
    3. Recommended translation topics Intro/Contributions/Gloassary
  7. Uploaded recording

Western hemisphere call

  1. Release minutes
    1. Schedule
      1. Friday June 26 end of development
      2. Wed July 8 - Release 2.2
    2. Proposed Contents
      1. TLS v1.3 - will not affect users as will negotiate down

      2. Automatically include CouchDB in v2.x upgrade step – database drop now done automatically

      3. Fabric dependency updates (use Go modules, update go dependencies, update Alpine - all good hygene

      4. (Tentative) Configure all peers as leaders by default, always get blocks from ordering service (proposed FAB-16435) - note it's just the default that changes

      5. Code refactoring for easier maintenance (bccsp, ledger)

      6. Improvements (e.g. improved error messages) and fixes

      7. Removal of BYFN from docs and Samples (keep page there for now but add text and link them to Test network and deployment guide) - really important note that BYFN is now deprecated
        1. Chris G offer to scrub docs wrt First network removal
    3. Rocket chat/Samples reference
      1. Fabric samples channel: https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/fabric-samples
    4. 2.2 release upgrade instructions
      1. Last 1.4 upgrade instructions
      2. Multiple instruction steps will be possible
  2. Contributors topic for new languages(standing topic)
    1. new i18n repository
    2. Updates for ML, Br_Pt, CN
    3. Recommended topics
    4. Other languages
  3. Updates on Br_Pt
    1. Some modifications on build scripts CI pipeline
    2. Contributions pages translated, introduction and glossary
    3. A few changes required
      1. then ready to publish
    4. Almost ready to publish
    5. will use in meet-up next week
    6. Still small changes required to get CI pipeline
  4. Want to build out maintainers for each language
    1. beginnings of this: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-docs-i18n/blob/master/CODEOWNERS
  5. Contribution Campaign
    1. Promotion of Japanese workgroup
    2. Contribute-a-thon Marketing Campaign Outline
    3. Discussion on other channels - twitter, meetups...
    4. Need to finalize wrinkles
    5. July could be translation month
    6. Blog and Video too
    7. Recognize contributors
  6. Discussion on process and governance will follow for i18n
  7. Fabric Deprecated Items list
    1. per Jim Mason suggestion
    2. Becomes more important over time
    3. What do other projects do?
      1. Java SDK as exemplar:  Very easy to follow what's been deprecated
      2. Ansible: Put inside porting guide
      3. Kubernetes: inside release notes, but less explicit
      4. Azure: Product changes in TOC
        1. Removed and Deprecated section
        2. When first announced and when support removed
        3. Very holistic view - all in the same place - helps with planning
      5. Combination of release notes and single generated list
    4. Good idea to focus on deprecated items
    5. Fabric deprecations are currently in release notes
      1. hard to go across multiple releases
  8. Nik Gupta announcement
    1. New position in IBM
    2. Express our thanks to Nik for all his contributions on documentation and samples!
    3. HUGE THANKS from the whole workgroup Nik.
  9. Recording uploaded

Video of this week's session at: Recordings

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