2020 06 12 DWG Agenda
2020 06 12 DWG Agenda
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct
- Release status: Pam/Joe: Dashboard: https://jira.hyperledger.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10104
- Contributors topic for new languages(standing topic)
- New docs for contributing - review of https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/pull/1377
- Updates on Malayalam
- PRs, Translations, PO files...
- Updates on Brazilian Portuguese
- New languages: Japanese, Spanish
- New contribution docs – recommendation to translate Intorduction and Contribution topics as first step.
- Pipfile update pr: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/pull/1394
Eastern hemisphere call
- Introductions and new joiners
- Welcome to Tsujita-san and Nishijima-san, who are starting Japanese translation
- Release status
- 2.2 aiming at mid July
- 1.4 LTS still supported for 9 months past these dates
- Deployment guide updates receiving good feedback - outlook for end of month merge
- Create a channel tutorial discussed more today
- GO SDK now GA
- Other release-related items
- WASM link above
- Samples updates
- Considering replacing FabCar and marbles with asset transfer samples, and advanced ledger APIs
- Standardizing on single sample example
- Early in process
- Updates on Malayalam
- PR's starting to arrive
- Picked 4/5 key topics - Intro, Contributing to translate
- ML team using po/pot approach
- Full RTD build would help reviewers for initial translations
- pot/mo files need to be excluded from build
- Making excellent progress
- New Japanese translation
- Welcome to Tsjuita-san and Nishijima-san
- Working through new documentation to learn how to make doc changes and set up language repo for JA
- Good idea to create WG page for JA: International groups Tsujita-san will look at this
- Will connect with wider team of Japanese translators – Anthony and David will connect Tsujita-san and Nishijima-san.
- Updated documentation for international language contributors:
- Quick review of new/updated topics
- https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/CONTRIBUTING.html
- Uploaded recording
Western hemisphere call
- Release status
- 2.2 LTS in preparation
- 2.3, 2.4 longer poll items
- Mir BFT work in progress, next step for ordering service
- Byzantine and performance
- Channel participation API
- in progress, some playbacks available in contributors cals
- Config txn libary
- Making confgitx eaier to do
- Deployment guide
- CA first pass merged
- Set up and usage in review for merge after next week
- Snapshot and checkpoint
- RFC available and inflight
- Beta in prep for GA
- no change expected
- BYFN now replaced
- All tutorials shifted over to test network
- Samples workgroup
- Solidfying networks etc
- Discussion on Fabric architecture
- Business process relationships
- Fabric Strategy and its evolution are required
- Helps on top level design and how it relates to and supports business use cases
- c.f. snapshot and checkpoint
- Provides helpful context for features
- matches marketplace to technology
- These needs should be captured into strategy process
- Contributor calls are helpful, but business focus and context is helpful and vital – business needs to drive technology
- e.g. FabToken removal, sense of frustration
- Language updates
- Brazilian Portuguese translation
- Lots of progress this week
- All glossary translated
- Add this to suggestions
- Learning about linking
- literal linking
- create secondary terms to link with English documentation
- helps to link documentation languages together (see example in video)
- Lots ready to contribute
- RTD being built for sharing!
- Now ready to create repo for Br-Pt translation
- Chapter meeting this week
- Next meet-up July 24
- Would like repo for this event
- Ask for contributions at this meeting
- Excellent progress in summary
- Super feedback
- Useful as language resource
- Language fixes
- One big request, and wrap them all at once
- Large groups work well - ty Pam for suggesting 12 at a time.
- Very grateful
- Super feedback on additional anchor
- Style guide
- David – will improve English version of translation
- Links and anchors are such a good idea
- These should be standardized
- Would make links better
- Clarity on URLs would improve
- Just root changes
- Whole team very impressed - ty Renato
- ML
- Feedback on EH call
- Typical topics
- Need to help groups build a community
- Jess Renthan, head of marketing, HL Campaign to find new translators
- work on framework, blog post, video, meetup
- Great idea, all happy to help
- David Boswell
- 10 different language areas
- Existing plus Arabic, French and Urdu
- Pam – extra languages help remove barriers to entry
- Thanks to David for super help
- Jim - important to prioiritze this effort
- Brazilian Portuguese translation
- Pipfile updates
- Renato suggested changes for Ubuntu
- Broke TOC – make suggestion that now converges docs
- Being merged into build process
- PR too be merged
- Great find on other OS
- Helps India team - ty
- Recording uploaded
Video of this week's session at: Recordings
Quarterly reports
Upcoming reports
, multiple selections available,