2021 02 05 DWG Agenda

2021 02 05 DWG Agenda

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  1. Welcome Grant Stenfield.
  2. New Fabric Gateway on the peer- benefits: Eliminates alot of client-side overhead.  Every peer will automatically be a gateway peer
  3. Translation Campaign: Next steps: blog created by this group using the quotes... from the translators.
  4. Future Documentation Meetup anyone? - where we can talk more about doc work. Get some good visibility. Watched by 100s of peopl on YouTube channel. An oppportunity to invite more people to this group. Walk-through, demo. Not an enormous slide presentation. Review the docs available, how to contribute, ... etc. Possibly in March. Next step: anyone one interested in being a point person contact David.
  5. What to do with the existing create a channel tutorial that was added for the osnadmin API. Need to keep the content  around what to do if you have an existing ordering service - operations guide thing. Chris is about to try this.  May be able to simulate in the new VS Code Extension. Look forward to Chri's feedback around this.
  6. Grant:
    1. Used the Test network and commercial paper OK. Tried production deployment guide. Using Fabric v2.2. Certs setup and intermediate CA were OK and enroll users. Setting up the ordering service was not successful. Needed more step by step instructions.
    2. Howdo I  know which Fabric version to try?
    3. In previous Fabric v2.2, you had to go through all the steps to create a genesis block before you deploy your ordering service. In v2.3  the overall proces is greatly simplified.
    4. Grant will try out the v2.3 of the tutorial here: https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/release-2.3/deployorderer/ordererdeploy.html
    5. Expressed the need for something more for Production deployment on K8s or Docker. Docs have no info/no recommendations for cloud env.
    6. Alternative: MiniFab is based on K8s. It's the test network on k8s. There is a recording about Minifabric at:
    7. On MacBook or windows you can use MiniKube.
    8. Chris reminded him on k8s, You need to become very familiar with PVS and where you will store certs.

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