2021 02 12 DWG Agenda

2021 02 12 DWG Agenda

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Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct





  1. Chris - move to next week's agend for demo with minikube
    1. tying IOT devices carbon sensors to HLF
  2. Grant Steinfeld -
    1. Starting deployment again from scratch using Fabric v2.3.1
    2. was confused by refs to system channel in orderer deployment guide
    3. still need anchor peers? yes
    4. Minifab (Tong Li) - Everything installed fine except the last part -  posted questions for help. Could be a Docker 3 problem?
    5. VS Code extension - very useful for creating smart contract
    6. YouTube videos from Chris
    7. Suggestion: Want to customize org1.example.com - set it as an env variable instead for customer demos
    8. Fabcar sample was useful years ago
  3. Jim - finishing a Fabric v2.2 interested in the Samples...
  4. David Boswell work on LF - supporting community members -
    1. we have very active virtual meetup community feel fre to join -
      1. Virtual LF Decentralized Trust Meetups
      2. dboswell@linuxfoundation.org
  5. Developing Applications topic
    1. tied to commercial paper sample.
    2. Chris - I use the node SDK and Fabric contract API docs for this info
  6. Jim - is there an offchain sample? Yes: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-samples/tree/master/off_chain_data
    1. mongo db vs. blockchain -  blockchain is distributed db - a connected network that is trusted and secure
    2. Chris - samples don't cover registering/enrolling users very well. It's the operational things that can trip you up.
    3. Nik - Building a distributed Auction example.
    4. Learning curve is steep, getting easier, Fabric Gateway should be able to help.

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