Bruno Vavala 2020

Nominee Name

Bruno Vavala

Nominated By


Short personal bio

Bruno Vavala is a Research Scientist in the Trustworthy Distributed Systems team at Intel Labs. He holds a PhD from Carnegie Mellon University and from University of Lisbon. His research interests span Trusted Computing, Distributed Systems and Fault-Tolerance. He published several works in IEEE venues. Also, he regularly contributes to Hyperledger Labs projects with the objective of enhancing privacy for distributed ledger applications.

Short personal pitch

As the Hyperledger ecosystem grows to process and share larger amounts of data through distributed ledgers, the community will have the responsibility to address the emerging security challenges to protect the digital assets of individuals, institutions and companies.

In the past few years, I have been working on Hyperledger Labs projects, PDO and FPC, which set the foundations for enhanced privacy in distributed ledgers (namely Hyperledger Avalon and Hyperledger Fabric, respectively). These support compelling privacy-sensitive use-cases on ledgers that are natively indulgent in sharing data for the sake of digital operational transparency.

Your support to help me join the TSC will allow me to promote and establish a security-first mindset in the Hyperledger community, in order to educate about emerging threats, foster the adoption of a secure-by-design approach and expand the application domain of Hyperledger projects.