TSC Election 2019

TSC Election 2019



  •   TSC nominations.
    • NOTE: Due to a technical difficulty with communicating with the eligible people we are trying to make sure we can contact everybody individually. Notification has been spotty and we are working to resolve it as quickly as possible.
    • Nominees must submit a one page bio and pitch for why they wish to be a member of the TSC.
    • Or, nominees can fill out the following online form: https://forms.gle/Bmjzde7gVs39ML7c6
    • All eligible voters will be contacted with instructions on how to vote. If you do not receive one of these emails but thing you are eligible to vote, you may appeal to be included by filling out the following online form: https://forms.gle/75xTxkHfR1PDADor5
  •   TSC election.
    • Those eligible to vote will cast their vote via the Condorcet system.
    • Announced end of poll: 04 SEP 2019 17:00 Pacific

  •  The TSC winners are announced.
  •  The new TSC chairperson nominations.
  •  The new TSC members elect a chairperson.
  •  The TSC chairperson is announced.


The Hyperledger Charter §4.a.ii defines the technical steering committee.

  • Steady State: After the Startup Period, there shall be a nomination and election period for electing Contributors or Maintainers to the TSC. The TSC voting members shall consist of eleven (11) elected Contributors or Maintainers chosen by the Active Contributors. An Active Contributor is defined as any Contributor who has had a contribution accepted into the codebase during the prior twelve (12) months. The TSC shall approve the process and timing for nominations and elections held on an annual basis.
  • Maintainers: Contributors who have the ability to commit code and contributions to a project’s main branch on an HLP project. A Contributor may become a Maintainer by a majority approval of the existing Maintainers.
  • Contributors: Anyone in the technical community that contributes code, documentation or other technical artifacts to the HLP codebase.


Q: How does one qualify to be able to vote?  Or being nominated?

A: The Charter states "Anyone in the technical community that contributes code, documentation or other technical artifacts to the HLP codebase."

The Community Architecture team gathers this information together first by running This tool is run against "all" and "labs" to harvest from github everyone that has contributed to the codebases in the past year.   The CA's also email all of the workgroups' Chairs to determine who has contributed other Documentation or technical artifacts.  There is also a form where people can petition about other technical contributions that have been made.

Q: How do I nominate myself or another person to run for a TSC seat?

A: To nominate yourself or somebody else, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/Bmjzde7gVs39ML7c6

Q: I think I should be eligible to vote in the Hyperledger TSC election. How do I appeal to be included?

A: We have a form to fill out if you think you should be included in the list of eligible voters: https://forms.gle/75xTxkHfR1PDADor5

Q: I didn't get an email.  How do I check? 

A: We get your email from GitHub by running This tool is run against "all" and "labs" .  You should check that email address you used at GitHub.  We have had many complaints of them getting sent to spam.  We are working on this but it is best if you whitelist hyperledger.org. We have a form to fill out if you think you should be included in the list of eligible voters: https://forms.gle/75xTxkHfR1PDADor5