Troy Ronda 2020

Troy Ronda 2020

Nominee Name

Troy Ronda

Nominated By


Short personal bio

I am Chief Scientist with SecureKey where I guide our open development team and lead technical strategy for our DLT-backed identity and authentication platform. I strongly believe in leveraging distributed ledger technology and standards to solve business and trust problems and am very enthusiastic about creating solutions based on Hyperledger projects and furthering discussions with the community. I have more than ten years of software development and product management experience advancing initiatives that leverage technologies such as distributed ledger technology, identity and data exchange, proximity technology (eg, NFC), secure elements and mobile solutions. I hold a M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Toronto.

Short personal pitch

I am an active contributor to the Hyperledger community by serving as a member of the current TSC and as a maintainer for Aries Framework Go and Fabric SDK Go. It has been a pleasure serving on the TSC, and I am excited for the opportunity to continue contributing to the community. I believe my experience working on distributed ledger technology, decentralized identity, data exchange, privacy, and security are highly relevant to our community. I am interested in an agenda that promotes interoperability between DLT-backed applications, particularly in the areas of identity and data exchange.