2022 01 27 TSC Meeting Record

2022 01 27 TSC Meeting Record

Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct


Quarterly reports

Upcoming reports


  • Project and Lab Services – What other benefits can we offer to graduated projects?
    • Thoughts from David Boswell:
      • I think there is probably something around documentation and translation support for graduated projects that would be worth doing.  For instance CNCF has a budget for documentation support and they do things such as creating documentation assessments and recommendations for projects, helping to organize documentation and translation activities in the community (such as managing participation in Google's Season of Docs and running a docuthon at their main events), and will do some documentation/translation work directly to bootstrap efforts.

      • We could also make the resources available to Incubation projects time bound – for instance, an Incubation project could have a year to grow and mature and at the end of that time the TSC decides to either move it to Graduated or move it to the Labs.

      • The project placement on the Hyperledger site does not currently provide a distinction between Graduated and Incubation projects since they're treated the same way now.  We're looking at updating the site this year to give more prominent positioning to Graduated projects, so the priority placement item will become more of an incentive.

      • The same is true of Workshops – this is a new concept so we have not yet seen the benefits to a project of running a workshop.  After we've done a few of these we can analyze the outcome and if we can see a bump in users and contributors to a project after a workshop then this will become an incentive for Graduation status too.

  • Proposal (Jim's followup action from discussions on Quarterly Reports 2 weeks ago): update templates of Quarterly Reports to include standard critical dimensions from LF Insights
    • Sample report that has the proposed table of insights showing project health: 2021 Q4 Hyperledger FireFly
    • Proposed critical insights dimensions: commit activities, PR activities, contributor trends

Project Proposals (from hyperledger/hyperledger-hips)

Backlog (from hyperledger/tsc)


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File GMT20220127-144951_Recording.transcript.vtt

Jan 27, 2022 by Ry Jones

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