2021 Q1 Hyperledger Avalon
Prepared by Eugene (Yevgeniy) Yarmosh
Project Health
The project health is good. The team made a significant progress, particularly, finalizing functionality related to SGX DCAP attestation and scalable key management isolation from the workload execution. T-Systems engineers demonstrated an integration of SGX based Scone runtime with Avalon.
Divya Taori became a new project maintainer. T-Systems and Kaleido developers are planning to become project maintainers in Q2 2021.
Required Information
- Have you switched from master to main in all your repos? Not yet, planned for Q2/2021
- Have you implemented repolinter.json in all your repos? Not yet, planned for Q2/2021
Questions/Issues for the TSC
There are no issues for the TSC currently.
Last release was done in July 2020. No new releases have been done during 2021 Q1.
The team has made a significant progress finalizing key functionality that addresses new SGX capabilities and key usages and is on-track to have a new release within following two quarters.
Overall Activity in the Past Quarter
The project development was focused on the following areas
- Completion of the worker pool implementation
- Finalize DCAP attestation support
- Key management enclave replication (final part of the worker pool scalability design)
- Secure cross-worker (Graphene) communication channel
- Multi-threading support for the key management enclave
- Multi-tenancy (dedicated worker instances per requester)
- Improved Python SDK as a separate subproject
Avalon team participated in the following activities:
- Continued regular Avalon Technical Forum calls with a good community participation
- Presented Hyperledger Avalon at Kaleido Tech Tuesday Webinar
- Continuously utilized email and rocket chat for community support
Number of Avalon presentations at the industry forums has been relatively low during last two quarters and this is clearly an area that requires a lot of attention.
Current Plans
The team is working towards release 0.7 that includes
- Scone runtime integration (including documentation and samples)
- Finalizing functionality by addressing corner cases
- Integration with K8S with emphasis on end-to-end ease of use
- Updating documentation, tutorials and examples
- Improving test coverage and CI
- Switch from master to main branch and Implement repolinter.json in all Avalon repositories
The team needs to identify more suitable industry events for a broader project enabling.
Maintainer Diversity
We welcome Swati Kasera from Wipro as a new project maintainer. Kaleido is planning to become a project maintainer and bring their cloud-native manageability expertise for blockchain and confidential computing services. T-Systems is also considering joining Avalon project as a maintainer with focus on Scone integration.
Contributor Diversity
Contributor diversity is gradually improving. We see an interest from Kaleido and contributions from T-Systems.
Additional Information
None at this time.
Reviewed By
- Angelo de Caro
- Arnaud J LE HORS
- Arun S M
- Baohua Yang
- Bobbi Muscara
- Danno Ferrin
- David Enyeart
- Gari Singh
- Grace Hartley (Deactivated)
- Hart Montgomery
- María Teresa nieto
- Mark Wagner (Deactivated)
- Nathan George
- Tracy Kuhrt (Deactivated)
- Troy Ronda