2021 Q3 Hyperledger Cello

Project Health

Health is OK. More developers joined in Q3.

The project is following the plan to focus on coming 1.0 release with new architecture.

  1. Finish dashboard API spec;
  2. Finish the revised agent design and docker agent implementation;
  3. Continue the API Engine and front end development;
  4. Finish a simple demo with one organization register and login;
  5. The internship project goes well with Yuanmao Zhu

Required Information

  1. Have you switched from master to main in all your repos? yes
  2. Have you implemented repolinter.json in all your repos? yes




Still working on v1.0.0 (In plan) with new features of:

  • New distributed governing model and new architecture;
  • Support fabric  2.2 LTS;

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

This quarter, we mainly have been focusing on Development of API engine and front end.

  • Completed the front end basic work.
  • Continued development of API engine.

Current Plans

We plan to finish a end to end demo this quarter.

The new API Engine60%

User dashboard

Enable Docker Agent100%

Maintainer Diversity

Current there are 3 maintainers, and those active developers who contribute to cello continuously (3 month) may be nominated as new maintainers. 

  • Baohua Yang (Oracle)
  • Haitao Yue (YiJianTianShu Technology)
  • Qiang Xu (H3C)

Contributor Diversity

This quarter, we have a total of 34 commits from 6 contributors.

Additional Information

Insights from July 1, 2021  to  Aug 27 2021 ,can be found at Cello stats for last quarter.

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