2021 Q2 Hyperledger Grid
Project Health
Health is good. New functionality to support GDSN data for Grid Product has been added. Documentation is being refined and expanded. Pike 2 has been implemented. Purchase Order implementation continues to progress.
Required Information
- Have you switched from master to main in all your repos? yes
- Have you implemented repolinter.json in all your repos? no
Questions/Issues for the TSC
There are no specific issues at the moment.
No new release, working toward a 0.2 release.
Overall Activity in the Past Quarter
The Pike v2 RFC was approved and merged. We completed work on the new version of the Pike smart contract. This new version includes functionality for role delegation, updated functionality for agents and organizations, as well as an index of alternate organization IDs.
Started work on a new version of the Product smart contract. This includes updates to functionality around uploading new products and what constitutes a Grid Product. This introduces requirements built around the GS1 GDSN standard.
Began work towards stabilizing various Grid features.
The main source of asynchronous engagement is still the Hyperledger Chat #grid channel and RFC PRs.
Current Plans
Reviewing and stabilizing Splinter support, database, Pike 2 and Product GDSN features for a 0.2 release of Grid. Working towards Purchase order design and implementation which will likely be in the 0.3 release.
Maintainer Diversity
Maintainers remain the same as the previous quarter. There are 19 maintainers across the different repos.
Contributor Diversity
Contributor diversity remains steady with previous quarters, with some share of the project's overall diversity coming from non-developer participation in their areas of expertise.
Sponsoring organizations that are actively contributing to Grid include Cargill, Target, GS1, and Bitwise IO. Additional contributions come from individual contributors.
Additional Information
Insights from February 24th 2021 to May 25th 2021
Reviewed By
- Angelo de Caro
- Arnaud J LE HORS
- Arun S M
- Baohua Yang
- Bobbi Muscara
- Danno Ferrin
- David Enyeart
- Gari Singh
- Grace Hartley (Deactivated)
- Hart Montgomery
- María Teresa nieto
- Mark Wagner (Deactivated)
- Nathan George
- Tracy Kuhrt (Deactivated)
- Troy Ronda