2021 Q4 Hyperledger Grid

Hyperledger Grid: https://www.hyperledger.org/projects/grid 

Project Health

Health is good. Finishing roadmap items for release 0.3, and roadmap items for release 0.4 are in-progress.

Required Information

  1. Have you switched from master to main in all your reposYes
  2. Have you implemented the Common Repository Structure in all your repos?
    1. LICENSE - yes
    2. CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md - no
    3. SECURITY.md - yes
    4. README.md - yes
    5. MAINTAINERS.md - yes
    6. CONTRIBUTING.md - yes
    7. CHANGELOG - yes, but called RELEASE_NOTES.md

Questions/Issues for the TSC

  • There are no specific issues at the moment. 


  • There were no releases in the past quarter.

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

Features enter Grid as experimental, then go through a formal review process to stabilize them. Several features were stabilized:

  • Client
  • Rest API resources
  • Rest API Authorization support

Work towards stabilizing additional Grid features continues.

Continued work on the Purchase Order feature, including smart contract, state-delta-export, REST API endpoints, database schema, store implementation, etc. This includes functionality for managing a purchase order throughout its lifecycle for agents involved in the purchasing and selling process.

The main source of asynchronous engagement is still the Hyperledger Chat #grid channel and RFC PRs. 

Current Plans

Current work is focused on working towards the 0.3 release. This includes the Purchase Order and Workflow features. We are also continuing to design and implement functionality to make integration with external systems easier, and are planning for this functionality to be in the 0.4 release.

Maintainer Diversity

Maintainers remain the same as the previous quarter. There are 19 maintainers across the different repos. 

Contributor Diversity

Contributor diversity remains steady with previous quarters, with some share of the project's overall diversity coming from non-developer participation in their areas of expertise. 

Sponsoring organizations that are actively contributing to Grid include Cargill, Target, GS1, and Bitwise IO. Additional contributions come from individual contributors. 

We have had one new contributor since the last update.

Additional Information

Insights from August 25th 2021 to November 25


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