2020 Q3 Hyperledger Fabric

Project Health

Hyperledger Fabric continues to be quite active with roughly the same number contributions as the previous quarter. The number of contributors this past quarter shrank by 20 but the number of organizations remained constant. The mailing list is roughly the same level of traffic as the past two quarters and up from a year ago. The RC traffic continues to be very heavy.

Questions/Issues for the TSC

none at this time


Three releases were published this past quarter: Hyperledger Fabric v1.4.7, Hyperledger Fabric v2.1.0, and Hyperledger Fabric v2.1.1. Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 is planned to be formally released the first week of July and is expected to be the next LTS release, maintaining our regular cadence of roughly quarterly releases.

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

Overall activity within the project remains roughly the same as the past quarter. Email traffic for the quarter is modestly increased over the same period last year, likely due to the availability of the v2.x capabilities. RC traffic remains very active.

Current Plans

The Fabric maintainers keep their planning for significant enhancements in an RFC repo. There are presently 3 RFCs under consideration. Features under active development include an option to operate an ordering service without a system channel, and ability to checkpoint ledgers, enabling old blocks to be archived, and enabling new peers to join a channel without processing a long history of blocks. Additionally, the main Fabric samples and tutorials are being revamped to make it easier for new users to understand Fabric capabilities and good practices.

Maintainer Diversity

Two dormant maintainers were retired (Jonathan and Murali) and one maintainer was added (Senthil) https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/blob/master/MAINTAINERS.md

Hence the diversity of maintainers was diminished.

Contributor Diversity

As noted, the number of contributors dropped by 20 (97 for the quarter vs 117 in the first quarter) but the diversity of organizations was unchanged.

Additional Information

Link to the Fabric dashboard https://lfanalytics.io/projects/hyperledger%2Ffabric/dashboard

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