2020 Q2 Hyperledger Explorer
Project Health
Project health is green. We use all of the following to help keep project health green. Questions asked via rocketchat are being answered in a timely manner. For greater efficiency in this regard the FAQs page is updated with every release.
Questions/Issues for the TSC
No issues currently.
v1.0.0 (26 Apr 2020)
- Support for multiple network profiles
- Add logout feature
- Improve logging control
- Support for Hyperledger Fabric 1.4.6
- Updated node.js version to 10.19 supported by fabric-sdk-node;
Overall Activity in the Past Quarter
Discussions happened via rocketchat and questions are being answered on time.
We have added functionality to support the latest fabric v1.4, multiple network profiles, logout feature, more improved logging features and updated node.js support version to 10.19. We've almost finished the development for fabric v2.1 support and now we're working on testing.
Current Plans
- Preparing the release to support Fabric v2.1
- Unifying 2 platforms (fabric/iroha) support into master branch
- Continue on bug fixes, help community in configuring HLExplorer and troubleshooting.
Maintainer Diversity
We've had a few spot contributors added. No new maintainer were added. We really need community to come forward and contribute.
Please find here the maintainers list. https://github.com/hyperledger/blockchain-explorer/blob/master/MAINTAINERS.rst
Contributor Diversity
Current contributors are from DTCC and Fujitsu, There is some interest shown by members wishing to join the effort but no active contributions yet.
Please find below the list:
- Jeeva Sankarapandian
- Vinita Chinoy
- Nik Frunza
- Uma Parameshwari
- Atsushi Neki
Additional Information
As long as looking at several use cases shared in conferences and meetups that took place for the past a few months, there are several deployment of Explorer in production. Improvement of UX (e.g. user management, additional metrics using operation service on fabric peer node, migrate document to readthedocs) is one of our highest priority work items.
Reviewed by
- Angelo de Caro
- Arnaud J LE HORS
- Christopher Ferris
- Dan Middleton
- Gari Singh
- Hart Montgomery
- Mark Wagner (Deactivated)
- Nathan George
- Swetha Repakula
- Tracy Kuhrt (Deactivated)
- Troy Ronda