2020 Q4 Hyperledger Cello


Project Health

  1. Finished the architecture design of new agent service.
  2. Implemented the first version of docker-base API agent.
  3. Fixed some issues of project build.


The docker-base agent still need some improvements, like stability, error handling etc.


v1.0.0 (In plan)

  • New API-Engine based on the distributed governing model;
  • Support fabric  2.2 LTS;

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

This quarter, we mainly have been focusing on the re-archtecture design work.

  • Finished the design of new governing model.
  • Finished the initial implementation of the user dashboard.
  • Finished the  document for the new architecture.
  • Moved cello build and test onto Azure and optimized the build so that only changed components get build and tested to save resources.

The insight chart can be found at Cello stats for last quarter.

Current Plans

Finish the new dashboard implementationHigh

API Engine improvement

Support HLF 2.2 LTS and later versionMedium

Maintainer Diversity

No change with maintainers. Current there are 4 maintainers, and those active developers who contribute to cello continuously (3 month) will be nominated. 

  • Baohua Yang (Oracle)
  • Haitao Yue (YiJianTianShu Technology)
  • Tong Li (IBM)
  • Jiahao Chen (VMware)

Contributor Diversity

This quarter, we have new active members including Qiang Xu and Ruitao Xie, who wish to make more contributions.

Additional Information


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