2020 Q1 Hyperledger Burrow
2020 Q1 Hyperledger Burrow
Project Health
Stable, minimal feature work since last report. Outreach on Rocket.Chat and GitHub reasonably active, however no new code contributors.
Questions/Issues for the TSC
Promotion of Burrow in previous quarter has not improved contribution diversity, further suggestions are welcome.
- v0.29.8 - Bug fixes
- v0.29.5 - Tendermint upgrade, vent improvements, rpc error codes
- v0.29.4 - Solidity 0.5.12
- v0.29.3 - Bug fixes
Overall Activity in the Past Quarter
- Bug fixes in response to user issues and various library upgrades.
- Re-write of client JS lib in TypeScript. [#1318]
Current Plans
See: https://github.com/hyperledger/burrow/issues/1331
- Introduce new 'proxy' tooling to improve security - i.e. no more 'mempool signing'.
- Implement and test eWASM support.
- Work on cross-calls between EVM, eWASM and Natives.
- Experimental Cosmos IBC support.
Maintainer Diversity
No new maintainers. However, one recent departure from Monax has retained maintainer status. Therefore we have 3 internal and 3 external maintainers.
Contributor Diversity
No new contributors.
Additional Information
Reviewed by
- Angelo de Caro
- Arnaud J LE HORS
- Christopher Ferris
- Dan Middleton
- Gari Singh
- Hart Montgomery
- Mark Wagner (Deactivated)
- Nathan George
- Swetha Repakula
- Tracy Kuhrt (Deactivated)
- Troy Ronda
, multiple selections available,