2021-09-10 Meeting notes
2021-09-10 Meeting notes
10:00am EST
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct. |
- Anthony Lusardi (Deactivated)
- Hart Montgomery
- Tracy Kuhrt
- Bobbi Muscara
- Arun S M
- Arnaud J LE HORS
- Travin Keith
- Csilla Zsigri
- David Boswell
- Daniela Barbosa
- Jessica Rampen
- Emily Fisher
Welcome and Introductions
Who you are, and what your interest is in the Whitepaper effort.
- Welcome
- Review last meeting
- Whitepaper elements
- Landscape review
- Charter Updates
- Next meeting deliverables
Previous Meeting Summary:
- Charter:
- Hart has further suggestions: governing board 'open'. Daniela will address
- Look at how to present parts of discussions out to community
- Published (redacted) minutes-?
- Hart has further suggestions: governing board 'open'. Daniela will address
- Landscape:
- Tweaks
- Clean up repetitive use of Hyperledger on card mode
- Make cards display bigger?
- Categories- hold pending new projects coming out of labs
- Tweaks
- Whitepaper
- Edits to draft outline
- Help provide content/tools to present to internal stakeholders
- Edits to draft outline
- Charter:
- Comments have ben reconciled
- Final changes doc
- Summary charter changes (from Governing board)
- Comments have ben reconciled
- Landscape
- Implemented
- Further tweaks?
- Whitepaper
- Charter
- Min to send final proposed changes to LF legal then to Governing board for final approval
- Discussion on dissemination of Governing board notes.
- Landscape
- Arun to make further adjustments to enlarge cards in 'Projects' tab in landscape
- White paper
- Taskforce members have two weeks to submit notes/edits/suggestions
- Task Force concludes having met goals
- Further steps possible on topics including:
- Website improvements offering more dynamic content to help onboard newcomers to community
- Business/membership
- Technical/contributors
- Increase transparency with Governing board
- Proposed wiki page with public notes as possible solution
- Additional resources to contributors
- help "convince your boss"
- Website improvements offering more dynamic content to help onboard newcomers to community
- Further steps possible on topics including:
Action items
- Arun S M - continue work on final landscape punch list
- Helen Garneau - Conclude Taskforce to TSC
- Emily Fisher - continue to draft Whitepaper - (any edits from group most appreciated)