2021-08-13 Meeting notes
10:00am EST
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct. |
- Anthony Lusardi (Deactivated)
- Hart Montgomery
- Tracy Kuhrt
- Bobbi Muscara
- Arun S M
- Arnaud J LE HORS
- Travin Keith
- Csilla Zsigri (Deactivated)
- David Boswell
- Daniela Barbosa
- Jessica Rampen
- Emily Fisher
Welcome and Introductions
Who you are, and what your interest is in the Whitepaper effort.
- Welcome
- Review last meeting
- Whitepaper elements
- Landscape review
- Charter Updates
- Next meeting deliverables
Previous Meeting Summary:
Charter Update: Please continue to add your thoughts/edits. We'll hand off to the Governance Board for further review in the upcoming week so they may reconcile these edits. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bkNK9lxPpjJ9O_8OiAEPzv8Ts0kir0t0tvJ_auZ4Pwo/edit?usp=sharing
- Intro Whitepaper: Please edit this document, focusing on the project sections (pages 23-32) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kspB7c_-M9gtQ-pnLfGM1qYKi22yoXhkKrweXR0rcR0/edit?usp=sharing
- Greenhouse Image: Arun is working with David to embed a version of the "card view" from the new project landscape on the main page in the wiki as well as inputting PRs to CNCF for a few items that would make the cards more of a comprehensive entry point for developers.
Marketing is also working on some further enhancements to the 'Use' dropdown menu item on the www site, to make it a little easier for those new to Hyperledger to find/filter projects by industry/category.
- Action item: Please add help us populate this spreadsheet with information you'd like to see included. I'll especially need help to show which projects are commonly used in conjunction with one another (columns F, G, H) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bkNK9lxPpjJ9O_8OiAEPzv8Ts0kir0t0tvJ_auZ4Pwo/edit?usp=sharing
Arun also has a wireframe of a 'stack' image that may be a better way to display the project logos. Once we have the spreadsheet (above) finalized, we can take a crack at finishing the wireframe layout and will get out to the Task force for review.
- Landscape review
- https://landscape.hyperledger.org
- Punchlist of further changes to be made
- To be added: Horizontal view with summary
Further categories in a 'stack' formation
Hyperledger Aries Libraries / Component Libraries Hyperledger Quilt Libraries / Component Libraries Hyperledger Transact Libraries / Component Libraries Hyperledger Avalon Tools Hyperledger Cactus Tools (Interoperability or Integration?) Hyperledger Caliper Tools Hyperledger Cello Tools Hyperledger Explorer Tools Hyperledger Besu Distributed Ledgers Hyperledger Burrow Distributed Ledgers Hyperledger Fabric Distributed Ledgers Hyperledger Indy Distributed Ledgers Hyperledger Iroha Distributed Ledgers Hyperledger Sawtooth Distributed Ledgers Hyperledger Grid Domain-Specific Hyperledger Ursa Libraries
- Whitepaper Update
- Next steps Charter Updates
- Brian has reviewed and reconciled edits
- Summary of changes presented in slides to Governing board
- Outstanding items to address
- Mission Statement
- Use of "multi party systems"
- Charter:
- Hart has further suggestions: governing board 'open'. Daniela will address
- Look at how to present parts of discussions out to community
- Published (redacted) minutes-?
- Hart has further suggestions: governing board 'open'. Daniela will address
- Landscape:
- Tweaks
- Clean up repetitive use of Hyperledger on card mode
- Make cards display bigger?
- Categories- hold pending new projects coming out of labs
- Tweaks
- Whitepaper
- Edits to draft outline
- Help provide content/tools to present to internal stakeholders
- Edits to draft outline
Action items
- Arun S M - continue work on horizontal card layout
- Helen Garneau - lock down charter for further edits until reconciled
- Emily Fisher - continue to draft Whitepaper - (any edits from group most appreciated)