2021-04-09 Meeting notes
2021-04-09 Meeting notes
10:00am EST
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct. |
Welcome and Introductions
Who you are, and what your interest is in the Whitepaper effort.
- Anthony Lusardi (Deactivated)
- Hart Montgomery
- Tracy Kuhrt
- Bobbi Muscara
- Arun S M
- Arnaud J LE HORS
- Travin Keith
- Csilla Zsigri (Deactivated)
- David Boswell
- Daniela Barbosa
- Introductions?
- Welcome
- Review last meeting
- Format of information (w/ Ali Rowan)
- Next meeting deliverables
Previous Meeting Summary:
- Deck
- Goal
- Flexible format-set updates- how to deal with updates as it goes (potentially not as many new projects?)
- Working to modify to make ‘badges’ to identify updates
- Visual timeline for each stage they go through ‘incubation to active’ - status for each project - (update language?)
- Manages expectations for stability
- Quick way to fill in blanks
- Think visually- how to do interactively?
- Dynamic
- Flexible format-set updates- how to deal with updates as it goes (potentially not as many new projects?)
- Audience
- Intent should be to eliminate confusion of projects
- What is this
- How to relate
- Where do I start
- What do people need to know?
- General intro
- Something easy to grasp for anyone
- Further detailed information to spell out differences of frameworks
- Resource for general overview (+1 should be first thing to see)
- How to spend their time
- Direction on where they can go
- Where to put technical v non
- Do we need 2 papers
- Technical and business use
- Intro whitepapermore dynamic, option?
- Update website?
- Interlinks?
- Something more interactive
- How many views current paper has?
- Intent should be to eliminate confusion of projects
- Goal
- 4/9
- need image to easy update
- Lots of info in one place, not different areas
- Basic Whitepaper?
- Vision/mission/what is Hyperledger
- Instead of greenhouse/stack/landscape
- Place projects where they belong
- Besu- protocol etc...big picture
- Member summit:
- Choose your own adventure tool
- Greenhouse origin
- Metaphor: place for projects to grow
- Messaging may has evolved/may not make sense?
- Complicated image?- new types of projects hard to organize
- Greenhouse good
- Natural, grows
- Need to get out of the greenhouse, still strong
- But open the doors and let projects come out
- Greenhouse fine
- Concept is more important as a concept than an image
- Some categories don't make sense ie quilt
- Other useful categories: Stand alone tool/library, some not meaningful
- Descriptions under all of the categories like description under logos in ledger
- Need to be weary of putting too much, but make it interactive, can give higher view, get as much
- UI
- Need to click on graphics to take to more information
- would need to outsource to create interactive web experience to move from image map
- Discussion on CNCF Landscape Layout- to replace greenhouse
- Filters- be savvy with tags
- Click on more info
- Github to updates- easy way
- Csilla to provide demo of landscape
- Hyperledger Annual report layout- to replace Hyperledger Whitepaper
Different audiences to serve better
- People looking at HL is understanding which to use: general enterprise/government audience interested in blockchain, but with enough information and direction (w/ links to projects, etc.) for technical people to find it interesting enough
Types of content (business content, technical content)
- Page 1: intro to HL: High level, Stack/types of ledgers
- New contributors- completely new
- Participate page
- Can be overwhelming, how to give sign post, understandable map
- Above projects "what is a project", categories, other SIGs/WGs/Highlevel
- Are you technical/not
- Are you familiar with HL/not
- Experienced community members, trying to build and make connections between projects- already familiar with it
- Technical audience may want something further
- Can get into the details
- Business user/non technical/interested in HL/DLT
- To get different info
- Business content: Use cases, business education content- understand dependency between projects
- Click on project and see other dependencies
- Business content: Use cases, business education content- understand dependency between projects
- To get different info
- Developer content: Landscape/projects, how related, SIGs/WGs- get started
- Explain Dependency between projects
- Stack/diagrams, helps
- all projects within a certain category would be kept equal, but there was some discussion on differentiating between projects by their stage (e.g v1) as well.
- it could make sense to surface active or graduated projects more than an incubating project.
- "project families" clustering idea.
- https://lfanalytics.io/projects/hyperledger
- https://landscape.hyperledger.org/
- https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/maintainers
Next steps
- How to get buy-in from maintainers, previous flat presentation to show people
- Want numbers to grow?
- Connect with maintainers:
- Email List
- Attend calls for projects
- Present numbers on growth/shrunk, with what collateral, what we haven't tried - question adoption "should something be done"
- Are projects at a place where you want them to be
Possible Formats
Overview zoom out: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e0/e8/6d/e0e86d3513f92235b33911dc60329170.jpg
Trailhead: https://github.com/cncf/landscape/blob/master/README.md#trail-map
- Hyperledger Yearly Report: https://www.hyperledger.org/learn/publications/hyperledger-annual-report-2020
Next Meeting Deliverables
- Interface wireframe
Action items
- Csilla Zsigri (Deactivated) Csilla to share demo of landscape work she is doing
- Helen Garneau Sort entry points between Business/Technical interest into shared doc
- Projects + labs + WG + SIGs / Usecase, webinars, meetups,
, multiple selections available,