Project Families Website Revamp

Project Families Website Revamp

Introduction/background material

Today, the Hyperledger website's project page lists all of the projects grouped by project lifecycle status (Graduated, Incubating, Dormant) as shown below.

ThisĀ works for people that are familiar with Hyperledger; however, it can be very confusing for new people to find information or figure out what they need to do within Hyperledger. People who are new to Hyperledger are most likely visiting the website with either a certain use case or project in mind. As such, this task force is looking to redesign the website with this focus in mind.

Task to be completed

  • Determine how we will group projects on the Hyperledger website
  • Determine criteria for projects to meet to obtain priority for Hyperledger Foundation marketing

List of deliverables or work products

Time to complete (no more than 6 months)

3 months


Tracy Kuhrt (Deactivated)

Initial participant list

Chat Channel

