2021-05-14 Meeting notes



10:00am EST

Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming

community for all. For more information

please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.


Welcome and Introductions

Who you are, and what your interest is in the Whitepaper effort.


  • Welcome
  • Review last meeting
  • Presentation of DLT Landscape
  • How to automate Landscape
  • Next meeting deliverables

Previous Meeting Summary:


  • Different audiences to serve better

    • Are you technical/not
    • Are you familiar with HL/not
    • People looking at HL is understanding which to use: general enterprise/government audience interested in blockchain, but with enough information and direction (w/ links to projects, etc.) for technical people to find it interesting enough
    • Two Audiences (chose your own adventure)
      • Business or just someone not familiar/new contributor looking to get involved
      • Technical/experienced/familia
  • Hyperledger Annual report layout- to replace Hyperledger Whitepaper
    • Overview/business audience 
    • Business user/non technical/interested in HL/DLT
    • Page 1: intro to HL: High level, Stack/types of ledgers
    • Participate page
    • Can be overwhelming, how to give sign post, understandable map
    • Above projects "what is a project", categories, other SIGs/WGs/Highlevel
      • Business content: Use cases, business education content- understand dependency between projects
      • Click on project and see other dependencies 
  • Discussion on Landscape Layout- to replace greenhouse
    • For Technical audiences/more experienced 
    • easy to update
    • Can filter to dig deeper, Click on more info
    • Experienced community members, trying to build and make connections between projects- already familiar with it
      • Technical audience may want something further
      • Can get into the details
    • Github to updates- easy way
    • Developer content: Landscape/projects, how related, SIGs/WGs- get started


  • Start getting buy-in from maintainers, previous flat presentation to show people
    • Ask "Want numbers to grow?" 
    • Connect with maintainers: 
      • Email List
      • Attend calls for projects
      • Present numbers on growth/shrunk, with what collateral, what we haven't tried - question adoption "should something be done"
      • Are projects at a place where you want them to be

Next Meeting Deliverables

  • Landscape V1- Tracy
  • Wireframe of SIG/WG cards
  • Review Charter doc edits

Action items