2021-05-14 Meeting notes
2021-05-14 Meeting notes
10:00am EST
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct. |
- Anthony Lusardi (Deactivated)
- Hart Montgomery
- Tracy Kuhrt
- Bobbi Muscara
- Arun S M
- Arnaud J LE HORS
- Travin Keith
- Csilla Zsigri
- David Boswell
- Daniela Barbosa
Welcome and Introductions
Who you are, and what your interest is in the Whitepaper effort.
- Welcome
- Review last meeting
- Presentation of DLT Landscape
- How to automate Landscape
- Next meeting deliverables
Previous Meeting Summary:
Different audiences to serve better
- Are you technical/not
- Are you familiar with HL/not
- People looking at HL is understanding which to use: general enterprise/government audience interested in blockchain, but with enough information and direction (w/ links to projects, etc.) for technical people to find it interesting enough
- Two Audiences (chose your own adventure)
- Business or just someone not familiar/new contributor looking to get involved
- Technical/experienced/familia
- Hyperledger Annual report layout- to replace Hyperledger Whitepaper
- Overview/business audience
- Business user/non technical/interested in HL/DLT
- Page 1: intro to HL: High level, Stack/types of ledgers
- Participate page
- Can be overwhelming, how to give sign post, understandable map
- Above projects "what is a project", categories, other SIGs/WGs/Highlevel
- Business content: Use cases, business education content- understand dependency between projects
- Click on project and see other dependencies
- Discussion on Landscape Layout- to replace greenhouse
- For Technical audiences/more experienced
- easy to update
- Can filter to dig deeper, Click on more info
- Experienced community members, trying to build and make connections between projects- already familiar with it
- Technical audience may want something further
- Can get into the details
- Github to updates- easy way
- Developer content: Landscape/projects, how related, SIGs/WGs- get started
- Explain Dependency between projects
- Stack/diagrams, helps
- all projects within a certain category would be kept equal, but there was some discussion on differentiating between projects by their stage (e.g v1) as well.
- it could make sense to surface active or graduated projects more than an incubating project.
- "project families" clustering idea.
- https://lfanalytics.io/projects/hyperledger
- https://landscape.hyperledger.org/
- https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/maintainers
- Greenhouse: Review HL Member Landscape: https://landscape.hyperledger.org/card-mode?grouping=category&project=company&style=borderless
- Whitepaper: Review Yearly report:
- Technical: Start here: https://start-here.hyperledger.org/
- Business: SIGs, Landscape, membership
- Priority should be on website, if need a 'leave behind' collateral, make short/consice paper/static view (built on efforts of webpage)
- Possible New Project:
- Charter: https://www.hyperledger.org/about/charter
Karen Ottoni - provides historical reference - Update/refresh
- Edit what needs to be updates
- Mission statement needs work- 1.a/1.b
- To reflect "multi-party" systems (industry standard?)
- Is this the right place to be: Yes
- Charter: https://www.hyperledger.org/about/charter
- Start getting buy-in from maintainers, previous flat presentation to show people
- Ask "Want numbers to grow?"
- Connect with maintainers:
- Email List
- Attend calls for projects
- Present numbers on growth/shrunk, with what collateral, what we haven't tried - question adoption "should something be done"
- Are projects at a place where you want them to be
Next Meeting Deliverables
- Landscape V1- Tracy
- Wireframe of SIG/WG cards
- Review Charter doc edits
Action items
- Csilla Zsigri Csilla to share demo of landscape work she is doing
- Helen Garneau Sort entry points between Business/Technical interest into shared doc
- Projects + labs + WG + SIGs / Usecase, webinars, meetups,
- Helen Garneau Create Charter Shared Google Doc for Edit-
- Tracy Kuhrt Draft of landscape – https://l.hyperledger.org/projects