Telecom Decentralized Identity Network
Telecom Decentralized Identity Network
Day and time:
- Thursday, May 16 at 16:00 UTC / 9:00AM Pacific
- Add Telecom SIG calls to your calendar
Dial-In Information:
You can join either from your computer or from your phone:
- From computer: https://zoom.us/my/hyperledger.community?pwd=STZQd0xMZU9xRVVOVnpQM3JNQ2dqZz09
- From phone: +1(855)880-1246 (toll free US number) or view International numbers
- Meeting ID: 403 498 3298
- Vipin Rathi, Assistant Professor at Delhi University
- Dinkar Jain, Blockchain/SSI Engineer at walt.id
About the Event:
TDIDN: Telecom Decentralized Identity Network
- A discussion about TDIDN, the Telecom Decentralized Identity Network, a groundbreaking solution that leverages decentralized identities (DID) and blockchain technology to revolutionize identity management in the telecom industry. This solution brief explores TDIDN’s potential and its innovative approach to improving security, efficiency, and privacy in telecom operations. For more details about TDIDN, check out the blog post and solution brief.