IOT Sub Group

IOT Sub Group


The IoT IAM subgroup under the Telecom SIG is initiated for the purpose of developing a Hyperledger-based IoT Identity and Access Management solution and develop a Proof of Concept (PoC). The goal is to demonstrate through a functioning PoC how DLT can be leveraged to manage IoT devices and to control access to them using smart contracts. We also propose develop formal working relationships with the Hyperledger Indy group and the Telecom Management Forum (TMF). Working with TMF is critical for DLT adoption in the IoT space from an interoperability and integration with legacy OSS/BSS.

White paper draft:


Bret Michael Carpenterbret.carpenter@nauticscepter.orgCrag Co.
Ahmad Sghaier Omara2sghaie@uwaterloo.caUniversity of Waterloo
Mathews Thomas matthom@us.ibm.comIBM
Amandeep Singhsingham@us.ibm.comIBM
Vipin Rathivipin68_scs@jnu.ac.inUniversity of Delhi
Saurabh Malviyasaurabh.malviya@centurylink.comCenturylink

Vinay Chaudhary



Bilal Salehbilal@pacioli.usPacioli Consulting
Lam Nguyenndl@es.aau.dkAalborg University
Syed Bari P.Eng.syed@bdata.caBDATA.ca
Nima Afraznafraz@tcd.ie 

Trinity College Dublin
