Telecom SIG Survey
Telecom SIG Survey
This document is tracking questions we want to ask in a Telecom SIG survey and this will be a place to post the results when the survey is completed.
Note: This is based on the existing survey that the Healthcare SIG group has recently completed.
These are questions we are considering asking in a survey. If you have suggestions for what else to ask, feel free to edit the page or leave a comment.
- In what industry do you work?
- If you indicated that you work within telecommunications (or a related industry), what is your job role?
- Please rank your reasons for participating in this special interest group: Education (learning about Hyperledger), Social Networking, Business networking (seeking customers or employment)
- If you have any other or additional reasons for participating in this special interest group, please tell us
- How long have you been involved in blockchain technologies?
- How would you rank your overall understanding of blockchain technologies?
- What other blockchain-related technologies are you active in or familiar with?
- What are your interests in using Hyperledger?
- How would you rank your overall understanding of Hyperledger technologies?
- What Hyperledger frameworks are you most interested in learning/discussing?
- What Hyperledger tools are you most interested in learning/discussing?
- What technology segments within telecommunications are you most interested in exploring in future TCSIG meetings?
- What blockchain technology segments are you most interested in exploring in future TCSIG meetings?
- What telecommunications system role(s) are you interested in exploring in future TCSIG meetings?
- Please rank your preferred means for regular communications with membership: (Email, chat, meetings)
- TCSIG meetings are generally offered semi-weekly (depending on subgroup, sometimes more often). How often would you like to meet?
- If you have any additional comments about TCSIG meeting structure, please share your ideas with us here
- Would you be interested in attending a TCSIG meeting where the topic was not specifically about Hyperledger (i.e., a broader blockchain technologies topic)?
- Do you have any recommendations for future TCSIG meeting topics?
- What research topics related to TCSIG are you interested in?
- What proof-of-concepts you believe would contribute to TCSIG?
- Would you be interested in presenting at a future TCSIG meeting?
- Any other comments, suggestions, or recommendations? Please let us know!