#29 - Weekly News Digest 20230731-0806
#29 - Weekly News Digest 20230731-0806
This weekly news digest is created by community members in the Hyperledger Supply Chain and Trade Finance Special Interest Group as a way to keep people up to date on the latest developments in this space. If you have news to share that you would like to let the group know about, please feel free to edit this wiki page or join one of the upcoming group meetings and share your news with other group members
Edition #29 - 2023:
- "Verra response to #rainforest foundation UK Report on REDD+ Projects":
- "New publication sets out common framework for measuring #digitaltrade":
- "The #sustainability Pledge"
- "#oceandecade activity - Open access book on #marinepollution "
- "Analysis of Best Practices in Environmental #disclosure Policies A review of 101 policies worldwide based on Five criteria for high-quality #disclosure (IFC - International Finance Corporation - United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative - CDP)
- "Industrial #hemp : An old crop in a modern era":
- "Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) welcomes International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) endorsement of new #sustainability #disclosure #standards ":
- "Trade policies for the #lowcarbontransition need to take into account least developed country structural features (UNCTAD)":
- "GTR Africa roundtable: #financialinclusion for #smes "
- "Seven Things Going Down at the World’s #freshwater Laboratory This Summer (International Institute for Sustainable Development)":
- "The future of developing #technologies and #digitaltrade ":
- "#oceandecade activity - Open access book on #marinepollution ":
- "The role for #investors in #decarbonizing #globalshipping ":
- "HSBC and Tradeshift set to launch joint venture":
- "The Effect of Multinational Enterprises on #climatechange #supplychain #emissions , #greentechnology Transfers, and Corporate Commitments (The World Bank)"
- "The Future of #tradefinance - In Conversation with Martin McCann, CEO, Trade Ledger™" (ICC United Kingdom)
- "World #trade Statistical Review 2023":
- "MUFG joins Contour #blockchain #tradefinance network":
- "Global Shipping Business Network (GSBN) expands membership":
- "#agrifinance grows in importance as #farmers seek scarce capital":
- "Rethinking our #foodsystems A guide for multi-stakeholder collaboration "
- Seafood2030 Report, A New Paradigm for #sustainable #seafood Strategies":
- "UK electronic #trade documents act 2023: A further step towards #paperlesstrade"
- "Green milk? Sounds good to Ethiopia's #dairyindustry
- "Opinion: Investing in agriculture in emergencies is a game-changer (FAO)":
- "This #forest project has already planted 1 million trees. 650,000 more are on their way this year alone (Open Forest Protocol)":
- "#trade , #climate and #sustainability in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Secretariat":
- "The benefits of replacing EDI with APIs in #containershipping ":
- "Vodafone’s #iot #blockchain used for cargo tracking with Aventus integration":
- "Responsible digital payments: How to prioritize women for financial equality and inclusive economies (UNDP)"
- v"Hyundai Motor Company (현대자동차), Kia Motors unveil #blockchain, #aisolution to track #carbonemissions ":
- !Are #carbonoffsets all they’re cracked up to be? We tracked one from Kenya to England to find out.":
- "Understanding #maritime #decarbonization 's impacts on #trade costs to unlock a #justtransition ":
- "Verra welcomes New The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) Criteria":
- "Reducing #foodloss AND #waste Ten Interventions to Scale Impact" (World Resources Institute )
- !White paper from the 2023 Ocean Business Leaders’ Summit in #Australia ":
- "UK to create IFRS Foundation -based #sustainability disclosure #standards ":
- "Ghana’s VP places #education and #digitalisation at heart of his policy":
, multiple selections available,