#15 - Weekly News Digest 20230424-0430
#15 - Weekly News Digest 20230424-0430
Edition #15- 2023:
- "IMO study makes the case for more ambitious #green targets"
- "#climaterisks in the Industrials Sector":
- "IISD #trade and #sustainability Review, Volume 3, Issue 2, April 2023":
- "#logistics Performance Index (LPI) (World Bank Group)":
- "Riding the #ESG train: #MENA’s efforts to embrace #sustainability":
- "Singapore, China collaborate on #greenfinance, including #dlt ":
- "ABS introduces simulation modelling for #greenshipping Corridors":
- "Reducing #foodloss and #foodwaste in the Near East and #northafrica ":
- "Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures - Overview" by FSB Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
- "National Productive Capacities Gap Assessment: Zambia":
- "#plasticpollution : The pressing case for natural and #environmentallyfriendly substitutes to #plastics ":
- "#blockchain for scaling #climateaction ":
- "#lithium and #cobalt CBS March 2023 – #lithium prices slide, #cobalt prices steady":
- "UNCTAD and World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO partner to support women-led #digitalenterprises":
- "Credible pathways to 1.5 °C - Four pillars for action in the 2020s ":
- "What does the latest IPCC report say about #carboncapture? "
- "UNCTAD and World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO partner to support women-led #digitalenterprises":
- "Not Just #carbon - Capturing All the Benefits of #forests for Stabilizing the #climate from Local to Global Scales " by World Resources Institute
- "From #fragmentation to #coordination : The Case for an Institutional Mechanism for #crossborder #dataflows " by World Economic Forum
- "JPX #blockchain #greenbond report highlights new market challenges":
- "Standard Chartered Bank report highlights lack of action on #sustainability among global companies"
- "Adapting to a New Climate - An assessment of physical #riskmanagement and #climateadaptation in banks and a proposal for accelerating #climateresilient #banking " by UN Environment Programme
- "#regenerativeagriculture is driving #food #sustainability promises, but is it #greenwashing?"
- "WHAT THE FUTURE HAS IN STORE - A New Paradigm for #waterstorage " (World Bank Group:
- "Collective Progress Report - A status update of the progress made by over 200 signatories in implementing the Principles across their activities#
- "How #africa benefits from the new historic “high seas” treaty on maritime #biodiversity":
- "Moving forward on #datafreeflow with #trust - New evidence and analysis of business experiences - OECD - OCDE #digitaleconomy papers April 2023 No. 353"
, multiple selections available,