#21 - Weekly News Digest 20230605-0611
#21 - Weekly News Digest 20230605-0611
This weekly news digest is created by community members in the Hyperledger Supply Chain and Trade Finance Special Interest Group as a way to keep people up to date on the latest developments in this space. If you have news to share that you would like to let the group know about, please feel free to edit this wiki page or join one of the upcoming group meetings and share your news with other group members
Edition #21 - 2023:
- "Draft report of the intergovernmental negotiating committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on #plasticpollution , including in the marine environment, on the work of its second session" (UN Environment Programme)
- "Towards transformation of the #development model in #latinamerica and the #caribbean : production, #inclusion and #sustainability "
- "Enabling foreign direct investment in the #renewableenergy sector : reducing #regulatory risks and preventing investor-state conflicts":
- UK House of Commons releases #ElectronicTradeDocumentsBill research briefing
- "#GreenTrade Strategy - Committing to a more #sustainablefuture for Trade":
- "#sustainable and #circular #bioeconomy for #foodsystems transformation":
- "#sustainable enterprise #valuecreation - Implementing #stakeholdercapitalism through full #esgintegration "
- "#rade-Related Policy Measures to Reduce #plasticpollution: Building on the state of play":
- "#blockchain bill of lading firm WaveBL raises $26m":
- "Of bytes and #trade : Quantifying the impact of #digitalisation on #trade (OECD - OCDE)":
- "Charting fuel choices as the #shippingindustry sails toward net zero (McKinsey & Company)":
- "Reimagining #economicgrowth in #africa (McKinsey & Company)"
- "Guidance on Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy Target Setting – Version 2 - United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)"
- "The adoption of innovation in international #development organisations Lessons for #development #cooperation (OECD - OCDE) "
- "#gender #impactassessment Tools for #mining Remain on the Shelf":
- "How #carbon could be a 15 trillion industry of the future":
- "Last Call for the Global Stocktake - What you need to know on #climateadaptation before the Technical Dialogue process ends at SB58 in Bonn":
- "In Ghana, #sustainable Cocoa-Forest Practices Yield #carboncredits":
- "UNDP Accelerator Labs contributing to the Global Goals?":
- "African banks progress towards #digitalisation*:
- "The 2023 #climaterisk Landscape: Technical Supplement - UN Environment Programme":
- "Bank for International Settlements – BIS Project Dynamo: can #tokens help #SME #tradefinance ?":
- "The #responsiblesourcing and #traceability Symposium: A Life-Cycle approach for #batteries ":
- "Integrating #gender and #socialinclusion in #naturebasedsolutions "
- "#africa needs #agriculturalinnovation to achieve the full potential of #afcfta ":
- "How the #gamingindustry is oining the battle against single-use #plastics":
- "What would #regenerativefarming mean for almonds?"
- "Review: How Africa Trades, edited by David Luke":
- "World Trade Organization members review ways to facilitate #digitaltrade and electronic transactions";
- "United Nations Mission In South Sudan (UNMISS) peacekeepers from China share #sustainablefarming tips with local authorities":
- "United Nations #climatechange Annual report 2022":
- "#africa needs #agriculturalinnovation to achieve the full potential of #afcfta ":
- "How the #gamingindustry is oining the battle against single-use #plastics":
- "#blueeconomy resurgence: revitalizing Ghana's #mangroves and coastal Livelihoods"
, multiple selections available,