#11 - Weekly News Digest 20230327-0402
#11 - Weekly News Digest 20230327-0402
Edition #11 - 2023
- "Port of Cork Company Ltd. implements #digital platform for operations management":
- "Delivering on the #sustainabledevelopmentgoals through solutions at the energy, #food and finance nexus: 2023 Asia–Pacific #SDG partnership report"
- "#developmentfinance needs creative solutions. rhino bonds are just one example.":
- "Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) supports #worldtrade board plan to empower SMEs through #trade and #finance":
- "#tradefacilitation agreement has increased #trade by over US$ 230 billion, new study finds":
- "#financialinclusion in "Trade Roadmap" – World Trade Board seeks industry feedback and collaboration":
- "#sustainability action report: survey findings on #ESG disclosure and preparedness"
- "#digitaltransformation in shipping needs #businesstransformation – Andre Simha"
- "Delivering on the #sustainabledevelopmentgoals through solutions at the energy, #food and finance nexus: 2023 Asia–Pacific #SDG partnership report":
- "#naturerisk rofile - A methodology for profiling nature related dependencies and impacts"
- "Rate the Raters 2023: #ESGratings at a crossroads":
- "The Evolution of #ESG Regulation" (by CUBE):
- "Toward responsible and informed Ocean-based #carbondioxide Removal - Research and #governance priorities " (World Resources Institute):
- "What is #ecosystem #restoration":
- "#sustainability #standards and labels - Navigating the jungle How to demonstrate purpose and create value by selecting the right #sustainability #standards and labels"
- "Banana Coverage - the state of #sustainability Initiatives":
- "IPCC research shows need for ramping up #climatemitigation ambition, tackling #climateadaptation gaps":
- "Empowering #tradefacilitation: guidance on the iImplementation of the WTO-TFA", access it here:
- "Driving #sustainability in #agrifood financing - Redefining #tradefinancing for #sustainable #agrifood #trade with #artificialintelligence , #blockchain and #fintech" (DiMuto)
- "Consortium in #singapore completes #paperless #crossbordertrade pilot":
- "Mobilising #greeninvestment - 2023 #greenfinance strategy"
- "Leaders urge the mobilization of $ 30b per year fo #water projects ini Aficia" (source: Dr. Hubert Danso)
- "Trust in #trade - Verifiable Trust: A foundational #digital layer underpinning the physical, financial, and information #supplychain"
- "Saudi aramco’s SABIC to use #blockchain trade network Global Shipping Business Network (GSBN) for #eBL"
- "The International Monetary Fund, #climatechange and development"
- "Key #trade documents and data elements #digital #standards analysis and recommendations":
- "Driving #sustainability in #agrifood financing - Redefining #tradefinancing for #sustainable #agrifood #trade with #artificialintelligence , #blockchain and #fintech" (DiMuto)
- "#developmentfinance needs creative solutions. rhino bonds are just one example.":
- "Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) supports #worldtrade board plan to empower SMEs through #trade and #finance":
- "#tradefacilitation agreement has increased #trade by over US$ 230 billion, new study finds":
- "#financialinclusion in "Trade Roadmap" – World Trade Board seeks industry feedback and collaboration":
- "International day of #zerowaste":
- ""Multilateral #developmentbank efforts to mainstream #climateadaptation - Progress from the perspectives of three countries":
- "Empowering #tradefacilitation: guidance on the iImplementation of the WTO-TFA",
- "Science based targets are just the beginning: how companies can reduce #emissions and achieve #netzero":
- "Integrity Council launches global benchmark for high-integrity #carboncredits"
- "EBRD ’s #greeninvestment project approved by InvestEU":
- "Timor-Leste expands #electronicsinglewindow to boost #internationaltrade"
- "United Nations activities on #artificialintelligence (#AI) 2022":
- "#digitaltwins: What could they do for your business?"
- "United Nations activities on #artificialintelligence (#AI) 2022":
- "Carbon Neutral Royalty Ltd. closes C$25m #greenfinancing deal":
, multiple selections available,