#26 - Weekly News Digest 20230710-0716
#26 - Weekly News Digest 20230710-0716
This weekly news digest is created by community members in the Hyperledger Supply Chain and Trade Finance Special Interest Group as a way to keep people up to date on the latest developments in this space. If you have news to share that you would like to let the group know about, please feel free to edit this wiki page or join one of the upcoming group meetings and share your news with other group members
Edition #26 - 2023:
- "#circulareconomy Slow #transition by member states despite #EU action"
- " #naturebasedsolutions for #water (IUCN)":
- "What would #netzero #shipping look like?":
- "Common Framework for #sustainablefinance taxonomies for #latinoamerica and the #caribbean (United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI))":
- "Three Ways #standards Can Help Deliver on the #sustainabledevelopmentgoals ":
- "The #afcfta IP Protocol and the Commercialisation of Traditional Knowledge in #africa":
- "Technical Barriers to #tradeagreements : 10 key results from 2022";
- "The #sustainabledevelopmentgoals Report 2023: Special Edition":
- "The #afcfta IP Protocol and the Commercialisation of Traditional Knowledge in #africa":
- "The State of #foodsecurity and #nutrition in the World 2023":
- "New strategy set to boost #ecommerce in #westafrica ":
- "STDF Annual Report: Adapting and learning to facilitate safe #trade in #food ":
- "25 Countries Halved Multidimensional #poverty Within 15 Years, but 1.1 Billion Remain Poor (UNDP)":
- "IPCC Regional fact sheet - Polar Regions":
- "6. CLEAN WATER & SANITATION - Strains on #freshwater resources":
- "Applications invited for 2023 #trade and #publichealth Workshop":
- "#farmers ‘at forefront’ of #decarbonizing #agriculture but face huge ‘financial burden’: McKinsey & Company ":
- "A World of #debt (UNCTAD)”:
- "High-level roadmap: Aligning financial flows with the Kunming-Montreal Global #biodiversity Framework":
- "Innovative Financial Instruments and Their Potential to Finance Climate Change Adaptation in Developing Countries":
- "OECD - OCDE-FAO Business Handbook on #deforestation and #duediligence in #agricultural #supplychains ":
- "High-level roadmap: Aligning financial flows with the Kunming-Montreal Global #biodiversity Framework":
- "How does global trade and #receivables #finance mitigate against proliferation #financing?
- "The ocean is turning green. Yes, it’s #climatechange.":
- "#cllmatebonds #standards - Globally recognised, Paris-aligned Certification of Debt Instruments, Entities and Assets using robust, science-based methodologies"
- "Why mitigating #biodiversityloss matters":
- "New report shows climate disasters are reversing global development at unprecedented rates":
- "Unlocking the #energytransition with Financially #sustainableelectricity #utilities in Key #G20Countries":
- "An introductory guide to #tradecompliance ":
, multiple selections available,