2021-05-20 : Identity Implementers WG Call
On Today's Call:
- Review: Working Group status updates
- Presentation: Ivan Temchenko will be presenting on DIDComm-RS and how Jolocom is leveraging it for SSI solutions.
Connection Info
The call takes place over Zoom: https://zoom.us/my/hyperledger.community.3?pwd=UE90WHhEaHRqOGEyMkV3cldKa2d2dz09
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct
All activities should be conducted in accordance with the Antitrust Policy found here.
- Name (Organization) <email>
- Steve McCown (Anonyome Labs) <smccown@anonyome.com>
- Ivan Temchenko
- Daniel Bachenheimer
- Michelle
- Nathan George
- Sam Curren
- Roland Aerosurete
- Paul
- Hyperledger Global Forum 2021 (June 8-10) - https://www.hyperledger.org/event/hyperledger-global-forum-2021
- IIW #32 Proceedings are now available https://internetidentityworkshop.com/past-workshops/
Working Group Reports and Release Plans
- Main Identity WG
- Meeting Notes: 2021-04-14
- SSI implementation: Practical Experience From Alastria
Coty de Monteverde, Carlos Pastor, & Paula Pascual
Meeting Recording
- Hyperledger Indy Contributors WG
- 2021-05-11 Indy Contributors Call
- Indy-Plenum CI
- No blockers, working on CD for Ubuntu 20.04
- Indy-Node
- Waiting on Indy Plenum.
- Sovrin Release
- Working on Issue with libsov token builds for IOS/client
- indy-test-automation –waiting on the Sovrin packages
- Indy-Plenum CI
- 2021-05-11 Indy Contributors Call
- Hyperledger Aries
- Aries Working Group meetings:
- Meeting Agenda & Notes: Aries Working Group
- WG A: 2021-05-05-B Aries Working Group Call (US afternoon)
- AIP Next – Last Items
- https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/pull/579 (Main AIP 2.0 PR)
- PRs
- Other AIP 2.0 Issues
- https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/issues/654 (RFC 587)
- AIP Next – Last Items
- WG B: 2021-05-19-B Aries Working Group Call (US afternoon)
- AIP Next – Last Items
- https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/pull/579 (Main AIP 2.0 PR)
- Other AIP 2.0 Issues
- https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/issues/654 (RFC 587 kid/skid).
- WACI Pex / Aries contributions
- WACI Proposal: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/waci-presentation-exchange/blob/main/spec/spec.md
- AIP 2 based similar flow: https://hackmd.io/qePTzDDQRxOfqcnQFGTc4w?view
- WACI Adaptation: https://hackmd.io/VFU0iL4ZQyuekaXwD_YQNg?view
- AIP Next – Last Items
- Aries Agents (Cloud Agent Python, Static Agent)
- Release 0.6.0 tagged and image posted.
- Recently Merged:
- BDD test suite of integration tests that supplement the AATH tests – different startup options, e.g. multi-tenancy, mediator, etc.
- In Progress:
- Credential Exchange V2 (0454) - almost done
- Shared Components: Fully functional branch that uses the shared libraries, not indy-sdk
- Getting to W3C Verifiable Credential support with ZKP and Selective Disclosure
- DIF Presentation Exchange
- Aries Bifold User Group (React Native & Typscript)
- 2021-05-19 Aries Bifold Users Group Community Meeting
- Key features: connections, credentials, presenting proofs, revocation, authentication (PIN/biometrics), messaging, multi-ledger detection, UI/UX
- Shared Components
- Separated Indy Components in AFJ (with interfaces)
- Ledger operations - Indy VDR, Indy VDR as Proxy, Indy SDK
- C wrapper with Turbo modules
- Outline approach in Indy VDR Issue
- Start with one component - Indy VDR
- Code Base
- Aries Bifold: https://github.com/Indicio-tech/aries-bifold
- Aries Mobile Agent React Native (moved to Hyperledger) - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-mobile-agent-react-native
- Aries Framework Javascript: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript
- rn-indy-sdk: https://github.com/AbsaOSS/rn-indy-sdk
- Rocket Chat Channel: https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/aries-bifold
- Aries Language Frameworks, Libraries, and SDKs (Go, Java, JavaScript, .NET, Ruby, Python)
- Aries Shared Libraries (agent storage, vdr, utils)
- Aries Shared Components
- now installable via pip; github actions build and test for Windows, Mac and Linux
- indy-vdr - release 0.3.0 https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-vdr
- indy-shared-rs - indy-credx release 0.3.0 https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-shared-rs
- aries-askar (storage) - release 0.1.3, will be working on BBS+ and DIDComm v2 support https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-askar
- Aries Shared Components
- Aries-Framework-Go #aries-go
- 2021-05-04 Framework Go Weekly Planning
- Released v0.1.6
- Implementing UniversalWallet2020 APIs
- Working on AIP 2.0 and AcaPy integration
- Aries-SDK-Ruby
- Horcrux gem for ActiveStorage (0.0.4), moved to https://github.com/decentralized-identity/activestorage-horcrux
- Tools (great for interoperability testing)
- Aries Toolbox – supports ACA-Py 5.3 https://github.com/thclab/aries
- Aries Protocol Test Suite - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-protocol-test-suite
- Aries Agent Test Harness - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-agent-test-harness
- Test Run Status: https://aries-interop.info
- New! Mobile Wallet Test Agent for any mobile wallet
- Aries Working Group meetings:
- Hyperledger Ursa
- Homepage: Hyperledger Ursa (EOL)
- 2021-05-12 Meeting Agenda
- Reviewed threshold ECDSA protocols:
- Trust Over IP Foundation
- Main site: https://trustoverip.org/
- Wiki: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Trust+Over+IP+Foundation
- All Members Meeting
- 28 Apr 2021: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2021-04-28+All+Members+Meeting+Notes
- Slides: Trust over IP Foundation _ All-Member Meeting 04.28.21.pdf
- Recording
- Project Charter (JDF 5.0)
- Good Health Pass - now a full ToIP project effort
- ToIP Whitepaper v2 underway
- Letter of Agreement - Sovrin and ToIP
- Mutual support of each organization's efforts
- 28 Apr 2021: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2021-04-28+All+Members+Meeting+Notes
- Steering Committee Meeting
- 18/19 Map 2021: Special Project Meeting
- Slides: Communications Committee - Agenda 05.14.21.pdf
- Recording: Link
- 18/19 Map 2021: Special Project Meeting
- ToIP Working Groups:
- Communications Committee: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Communications+Committee
- Governance Stack
- Technical Stack - Interoperability Taskforce
- Utility Foundry
- Ecosystem Foundry
- Decentralized Semantics
- Concepts and Terminology
- DIF DIDComm Working Group
- Rolling Agenda: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/didcomm/blob/main/agenda.md
- 10 May 2021 meeting
Discussion Topics
- Etherium Compatible Key Wrapping - Oliver
- JSON-LD Contexts - Oliver
- Keys by Value or Ref
- DIF Interoperability Group
- Main: https://identity.foundation/interop/
- Wiki: https://www.notion.so/Interoperability-WG-a42995c37e2a4511a10aea96cdbccc38
- Rolling agenda: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/interoperability/blob/master/agenda.md
- 28 April 2021:
- Nick Mothershaw (UK) from the Open Identity Exchange (OIX) will talk about the guide to defining, enforcing, and comparing trust frameworks that OIX released last July
- A Guide to Trust Frameworks and Interoperability: https://openidentityexchange.org/guide-trust-frameworks-interoperability
- 28 April 2021:
- Sovrin Foundation
- Technical Governance Board (TGB)
- 6 May 2021 Meeting Minutes:
- Sovrin Security Policies need updating
- CI/CD / Ubuntu 20.04 Upgrade and Sovrin Release Planning - Stephen/Wade
- CD for Indy Plenum is done, and in review
- Status of the did:indy DID Method - Stephen
- Will disallow non-self-certifying DIDs
- Concern about user selected DIDs being a security risk
- Concern about user selected DIDs being “squatted” on other networks: clients need to use fully qualified DIDs.
- Working with UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media&Sport and participating on their Trust Framework. They have requested the following:
- 6 May 2021 Meeting Minutes:
- Steward Council
- Rolling Agenda:
- Next meeting is today
- 1 April 2021
Make LibIndy easier to use for app developers (Steve McCown)
Methods for Wrapping Rust Code (using Mozilla Uniffi - https://github.com/mozilla/uniffi-rs)
Presentation slides attached (https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/IWG/2021-03-25+%3A+Identity+Implementers+WG+Call)
Health / Monitoring (Wade)
New plug-in architecture
Updating the node selection algorithm
Technical Workstream (Wade)
Indy upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04
Works on Ubuntu 20.04, but CI pipeline is not complete. Need contributors.
Migrating release artifacts to Hyperledger Artifactory.
Token Plugin:
Devin Smith has taken over from Anmol.
Existing builds have been fixed.
Working on upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04
Plans to switch to GitHub Actions after upgrade.
Sovrin Deb
Merge from Stable to Master is ready for review
Steward Community
Vote on removing the Sovrin Token: 11 keep / 11 remove
- Rolling Agenda:
- Technical Governance Board (TGB)
- W3C Standard
- Verifiable Credentials Working Group
- DID Working Group
- Other?
Presentation Slides for DIDcomm-rs:
Future Topics
- Trust over IP (www.trustoverip.org)