2021-07-01 : Identity Implementers WG Call
On Today's Call:
- Review: Working Group status updates
- Presentation: Steve McCown (Anonyome Labs) will present on auto-generating language wrappers for Rust libraries, such as didcomm_rs.
Connection Info
The call takes place over Zoom: https://zoom.us/my/hyperledger.community.3?pwd=UE90WHhEaHRqOGEyMkV3cldKa2d2dz09
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct
All activities should be conducted in accordance with the Antitrust Policy found here.
- Name (Organization) <email>
- Steve McCown (Anonyome Labs) <smccown@anonyome.com>
- Timo Glastra
- Bruce Conrad
- Dan Bachenheimer
- Paul Wenzel
- Sam Curren
- Andrew
IIW #33 will be held online October 12-14. Returning in-person planned for Apr 2022. (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/internet-identity-workshop-iiwxxxiii-33-2021b-tickets-160257990965)
- Good Health Pass Interoperability Blueprint (Draft):
Working Group Reports and Release Plans
- Main Identity WG
- Meeting Notes: 2021-06-23
“eIDAS.2 – digital identity wallets on the way”
The implications of the draft EU law, with the legal basis for digital wallets
- SSI vs national identity schemes
- Attestation of attributes
- requirements for European digital identity wallets
- Slides: Hyperledger EIDW presentation - FINAL.pdf
Meeting recording: zoom_0.mp4
- Hyperledger Indy Contributors WG
- 2021-06-22 Indy Contributors Call
- Update on CI/CD Update and Ubuntu Upgrade: Status Document
- Indy-Plenum
- Indy-Node
- Sovrin Release
- indy-test-automation
- Indy SDK
- Update on CI/CD Update and Ubuntu Upgrade: Status Document
- 2021-06-22 Indy Contributors Call
- Hyperledger Aries
- Aries Working Group meetings:
- Meeting Agenda & Notes: Aries Working Group
- WG A: 2021-06-30-A Aries Working Group Call (AMER morning)
- Data Sharing Engine - glimpse into Dynamic Data Economy - demo show casing OCA - data harmonization
- ACDC - drafting ToIP Standard Spec to Devine semantics of Authentic Provenance Chaining of Authentic Data Containers
- Wiki: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/ACDC+%28Authentic+Chained+Data+Container%29+Task+Force)
- Whitepaper: https://github.com/SmithSamuelM/Papers/blob/master/whitepapers/ACDC.web.pdf
- Expanding W3C verifiable credentials to include an authentic provenance chain (APC)
- TDA for user friendly interface towards decentralized economy, and Data Sharing Engine as a way to share and discover the data under rules of Governance Authority
- WG B: 2021-06-30-B Aries Working Group Call (US afternoon)
- Aries Bifold User Group (React Native & Typscript)
- 2021-06-30 Aries Bifold Users Group Community Meeting
- Key features: connections, credentials, presenting proofs, revocation, authentication (PIN/biometrics), messaging, multi-ledger detection, UI/UX
- Shared Components
- Separated Indy Components in AFJ (with interfaces)
- Ledger operations - Indy VDR, Indy VDR as Proxy, Indy SDK
- C wrapper with Turbo modules
- Outline approach in Indy VDR Issue
- Start with one component - Indy VDR
- Code Base
- Aries Bifold: https://github.com/Indicio-tech/aries-bifold
- Aries Mobile Agent React Native (moved to Hyperledger) - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-mobile-agent-react-native
- Aries Framework Javascript: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript
- rn-indy-sdk: https://github.com/AbsaOSS/rn-indy-sdk
- Rocket Chat Channel: https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/aries-bifold
- Aries Agents (Cloud Agent Python, Static Agent)
- Release 0.7.0RC-01 pending – DIF PE and aries-askar merges
- Aries Language Frameworks, Libraries, and SDKs (Go, Java, JavaScript, .NET, Ruby, Python)
- Aries Shared Libraries (agent storage, vdr, utils)
- Aries Shared Components
- now installable via pip; github actions build and test for Windows, Mac and Linux
- indy-vdr - release 0.3.0 https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-vdr
- indy-shared-rs - indy-credx release 0.3.0 https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-shared-rs
- aries-askar (storage) - release 0.1.3, will be working on BBS+ and DIDComm v2 support https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-askar
- Aries Shared Components
- Aries-Framework-Go #aries-go
- 2021-06-29 Framework Go Weekly Planning
- Released v0.1.6
- did:orb 0.1 VDR component created for AFG
- Implementing UniversalWallet2020 APIs
- Working on AIP 2.0 and AcaPy integration
- Working on ECDH-1PU draft 04
- Investigating WACI-PeX compatability
- Aries-SDK-Ruby
- Horcrux gem for ActiveStorage (0.0.4), moved to https://github.com/decentralized-identity/activestorage-horcrux
- Tools (great for interoperability testing)
- Aries Toolbox – supports ACA-Py 5.3 https://github.com/thclab/aries
- Aries Protocol Test Suite - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-protocol-test-suite
- Aries Agent Test Harness - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-agent-test-harness
- Test Run Status: https://aries-interop.info
- New! Mobile Wallet Test Agent for any mobile wallet
- Aries Working Group meetings:
- Hyperledger Ursa
- Homepage: Hyperledger Ursa (EOL)
- 2021-06-23 Meeting Agenda
- HGF wrap-up and follow-up discussion.
- ZK compiler: would it be appropriate for Ursa, and if not, where would be an ideal contribution landing spot?
- (If time allows) more questions on accumulators for practitioners: better defining efficiency and security properties.
- Trust Over IP Foundation
- Main site: https://trustoverip.org/
- Wiki: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Trust+Over+IP+Foundation
- All Members Meeting
- 26 June 2021: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2021-06-23+All+Members+Meeting+Notes
- ToIP Stack Interactive InfoGraphic Demo
- Website design update
- Open Discussion
- Slides: 2021 06 23 ToIP Al Members Meeting.pdf
- 26 June 2021: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2021-06-23+All+Members+Meeting+Notes
- Steering Committee Meeting
- 30 June 2021: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2021-06-30+Steering+Committee+Meeting+Page+-+Plenary
- Wiki: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=75979
- Administration: membership review, voting member election
- Good Health Project blueprint discussion
- ToIP Blog discussion
- Slides: 063021 Steering Committee Plenary Meeting.pdf
- Recording: Link
- 30 June 2021: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2021-06-30+Steering+Committee+Meeting+Page+-+Plenary
- ToIP Working Groups:
- Communications Committee: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Communications+Committee
- Governance Stack
- 17 June 2021 Meeting: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2021-06-17+GSWG+Plenary+Meeting+Notes
- Deliverables:
- ToIP Governance Metamodel & Companion
- Design Principles for the ToIP Governance Stack V1
- ToIP Governance Stack TSS V1
- ToIP Foundation White Paper (joint project with TSWG)
- Open For Review:
- ToIP Governance Metamodel
- Technical Stack - Interoperability Taskforce
- Wiki: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Technology+Stack+Working+Group
- Deliverables:
- ToIP Governance Architecture TSS
- Technical Explainer of 4-Layer Model
- Open For Review: Laws of Identity
- Utility Foundry
- 22 June 2021 Meeting: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2021-06-22+Meeting+Page
- Ecosystem Foundry
- 1 July 2021 Meeting: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/EFWG+2021-07-01+Meeting
- Decentralized Semantics
- Deliverables
- Standard Data Models and Elements (GHPC) - initial draft completed
Items for open review (ongoing)
- OCA specification work
- GHP credential data capture specification work [GHP Data Models tech implementation]
- OCA-FHIR specification work [GHP Data Models tech implementation]
- Deliverables
- Concepts and Terminology
- ToIP Term Tool Specification (including data model and hyperlink solution)
- ToIP Term Wiki (“Termopedia”)
- Open For Review
- ToIP Term Tool specification
- Good Health Pass Working Group
- GHP Interoperability Blueprint open for review
- DIF DIDComm Working Group
- Rolling Agenda: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/didcomm/blob/main/agenda.md
- 21 June 2021 meeting
- DIF Interoperability Group
- Main: https://identity.foundation/interop/
- Wiki: https://www.notion.so/Interoperability-WG-a42995c37e2a4511a10aea96cdbccc38
- Rolling agenda: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/interoperability/blob/master/agenda.md
- 23 June 2021
- WACI-PEx - https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-4-verifiable-presentations-1_0.html
- New WGs
- Wallet Security WG -
- Wallet assessment and assumptions - how to define which wallets are or are not secure enough for a given use case or type of information in a given jurisdiction
- Applied Crypto -
- BBS+ 2.0 as first work item (possibly also SNARK stuff from MSR) first meeting wed 7Aug, charter already signable
- Wallet Security WG -
- 23 June 2021
- Sovrin Foundation
- Technical Governance Board (TGB)
- 1 July 2021 Meeting Minutes:
- Status of Ubuntu Upgrade: Status Document
- Indy Activity:
- Update to “did:sov” method — PR 296
- Sovrin as a KERI witness
- 1 July 2021 Meeting Minutes:
- Steward Council
- Rolling Agenda:
- 24 June 2021
- Presentation Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qGAhxIfFNWyvgCNUYmRqaxUqU4MVmmrPGnExo0b5HX4/edit#slide=id.g4227fd63e5_0_225
- Update on Sovrin upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04
- Rolling Agenda:
- Technical Governance Board (TGB)
- W3C Standard
- Verifiable Credentials Working Group
- DID Working Group
- Other?
Future Topics
- Trust over IP (www.trustoverip.org)